
about running demo

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When I run qlua main.lua demo it gives some error
Unable to connect X11 server (continuing with -nographics)
qlua: cannot open <umich-stacked-hourglass.t7> in mode r at /home/jiahang/torch/pkg/torch/lib/TH/THDiskFile.c:668
stack traceback:
[C]: at 0x7fd1a79d79c0
[C]: at 0x7fd19f92eac0
[C]: in function 'DiskFile'
/home/jiahang/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/torch/File.lua:405: in function 'load'
main.lua:28: in main chunk
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I hope I can get your help. Thank you

It looks like maybe the model file isn't available in the path, did you download it and put in the right directory?

@anewell is correct, the file 'umich-stacked-hourglass.t7' must in the 'pose-hg-demo' directory (or the directory the main.lua file is in).

i have the same problem,have you solved yet?could you please tell me the solution,thanks~

Yes. To solve the problem put the .t7 into the same directory as main.lua. @larklili have you tried this?

@neherh yeah!i have solved yet.Thanks a lot:)

@neherh Do you have run th main.lua predict-[valid or test]?would you please tell me how to solve with .h5 file.I dont know how to get result from it.:)thanks!