The Cat App

Challenge application using React + Cat API for Hearst Communications


  1. React
  2. Redux Toolkit
  3. Redux Persist
  4. Material-UI
  5. Typescript
  6. Lodash
  7. Date-fns
  8. Jest + RTL
  9. Eslint + Prettier + Editorconfig


  • Run local at port 3000: npm run start
  • Run tests with jest and coverage: npm run test
  • Deploy on Github Pages: npm run deploy
  • Run linting: npm run lint:fix


  1. Get cat data from a public API (
  2. Favourite a cat
  3. Upload a cat image
  4. Sort and Filter cat list
  5. Cache request for 30 minutes
  6. Lazy load images
  7. Persist data after reloads


  • (Storage): Using redux-toolkit to store all data, divided into 3 reducers: Cat API (catSlice), filters/sort options(userPreferencesSlice) and upload images (uploadSlice)
const rootReducer = combineReducers({ 
  cat: catReducer,
  userPreference: userPreferenceReducer,
  upload: uploadReducer,
  • (Persist): Using redux-persist to store data into a local database and even after a page reloads, the data is avaliable to the user
import storage from 'redux-persist/lib/

const persistConfig = {
  key: 'root',

const persistedReducer = persistReducer(persistConfig, rootReducer)
  • (Lazy Load): Using react-lazy-load-image-component to lazy load images to increase performance, so when user scrolls down, the browser download the images
    height={expanded ? '500' : '200'}
    placeholder={<Skeleton variant="rectangular" width={270} height={360} />}
    style={{ objectFit: expanded ? 'contain' : 'cover' }}
  • (Cache): When user initially request the cat data from API, I save the current time of the user, so after 30 minutes, he will be using the cached data from redux instead of request again to the server
// on catSlice
.addCase(getBreeds.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
    state.status = 'idle'
    state.breeds = action.payload
    state.cacheExpiresDate = new Date()

// using this function to calculate if is expired or not
export const selectShouldRevalidateData = (state: RootState) => {
    const { cacheExpiresDate } =
    const formatDate = typeof cacheExpiresDate === 'string'
        ? new Date(cacheExpiresDate)
        : cacheExpiresDate
    const now = new Date()
    const expiration = addMinutes(formatDate, CACHE_EXPIRATION_MINUTES)

    return isBefore(expiration, now)

// on
useEffect(() => {
    if (breeds.length === 0 || shouldRevalidateData) {
}, [])


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