
This repository contains the source code to illustrate a fundamental understanding of REST API principles and how to execute basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.

Problem Statement

  • Build a basic REST API for CRUD operations on a person resource.
  • Interface the API with a database of your preference.
  • Implement parameter handling for tasks like adding or retrieving a person by their identity.
  • Create UML diagrams to document the system's design and database structure.
  • Develop an automated testing script to validate each API function.
  • Host the entire project on GitHub.
  • Provide well-structured documentation in the repository.
  • Include details on request/response formats, setup instructions, and API usage examples in the documentation.

Built with

  • Python
  • FastAPI
  • SQlite

Getting Started


Make sure you have Python3 installed on your machine.

Local Setup

Detailed instructions for setting up the project on a local development environment.

  1. Run git clone <repo link> to clone this repo

  2. Creat and activate a virtual environment

    Setup virtual environment on Windows or Linux

    python -m venv env
    source env/bin/activate # Linux
    env\Scripts\activate.bat # Windows
  3. Install project dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Database Setup

    Upon statring your local server. The application takes care of setting up a database with a filename lite.db for you.

    SQlite does not require complex setup process which makes it suitable for a project of the nature.

  5. Start local server

     uvicorn app.main:app --host "" --port 80
  6. Navigate to http://localhost:80/ Viola !! 😄

Using Docker

  1. Build Docker Image
    docker build -t myimage .
  2. Start Docker Container
    docker run -d --name mycontainer -p 80:80 myimage
  3. Visit Endpoint @ http://localhost:80/

Production Setup

If you would love to setup FastAPI in production. Read the official documentation

Live Demo


For a more extensive crud api checkout,

Thank You