
Primary LanguageDartGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Elegant Notification

An elegant notification to display important messages to users

success_notification.gif info_notification.gif
error_notification.gif custom_notification.gif


  • Display a top notification with animation
  • Built-in themes (Success, Error, Info)
  • Different display animations (fromTop, fromBottom, fromLeft, fromRight)
  • Support for all display alignment positions (TopLeft, TopCenter, TopRight, CenterLeft, Center, CenterRight, BottomLeft, BottomCenter, BottomRight)
  • Support custom theme implementation
  • onClose and onProgressFinished callback handlers
  • Animated progress bar indicator
  • Background customization
  • Animation duration customization
  • Notification position customization
  • Add clickable action widget to notification
  • Notification dismiss customization
  • Customizable notification dimensions (height and width)
  • Customizable barrier dismission and on dismiss action
  • Slide back animation
  • Customizable close button

Getting Started

To use this elegant notification package you need to add the dependency in pubspec.yaml file.

	elegant_notification: ^1.9.1


///The toast title widget
  final Widget? title;

  ///The toast description widget
  final Widget description;

  ///The toast icon, required only if using the default constructor
  ///for other toast types (Success, Info, error) the icon is not changeable
  late Widget? icon;

  ///The size of the icon, by default it's 40px
  late double iconSize;

  ///The type of the animation set on the notification
  ///possible values
  ///default value `fromLeft`
  final AnimationType animation;

  ///The duration of the animation
  ///Default value `Duration(milliseconds: 600)`
  final Duration animationDuration;

  ///The shadow color applied on the notification widget
  /// by defualt it's `Colors.grey`
  /// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
  late Color shadowColor = Colors.grey;

  /// the background color of the notification
  /// by default it's set to white
  /// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
  late Color background;

  ///The color of the progress
  ///by default it's blue
  /// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
  late Color progressIndicatorColor;

  ///the border radius of the notification widget
  ///this parameter it's only set if you are using the default constructor
  /// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
  late double radius = 5.0;

  ///How much the notification will take time,
  ///by default the duration is `3000 milliseconds`
  final Duration toastDuration;

  ///enable or disable the shadow rendering
  ///by default it's true
  /// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
  late bool enableShadow = true;

  ///enable or disable the progress indicator rendering
  ///by default the indicator is displayed
  /// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
  late bool showProgressIndicator;

  ///Display or hide the close button
  ///by default the close button is displayed
  /// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
  final bool displayCloseButton;

  ///Close widget rendered as the close function
  ///by default the close button is displayed, if you don't want it set `closeButton` to null
  /// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
  final Widget Function(void Function() dismissNotification)? closeButton;

  ///Function invoked when user press on the close button
  final Function()? onCloseButtonPressed;

  ///Function invoked when the notification is closed after the finish of the progress indicator
  final Function()? onProgressFinished;

  ///The type of the align set on the notification
  ///possible values
  ///default value `top`
  final NotificationPosition notificationPosition;

  ///Action widget rendered with clickable inkwell
  ///by default `action == null`
  final Widget? action;

  ///Function invoked when pressing `action` widget
  ///must be not null when `action != null`
  final Function()? onActionPressed;

  ///define whether the notification will be dismissed automatically or not
  ///by default `autoDimiss == false`
  final bool autoDismiss;

  ///the width of the notification widget
  final double? width;

  ///the height of the notification widget
  final double? height;

  ///Function invoked when tapping outside the notification
  ///Or when pressing the back button of the phone
  ///or when tapping on the screen
  final Function()? onDismiss;

  ///The progress indicator background color
  ///by default it's grey
  final Color progressIndicatorBackground;

Migration to 1.1.0

If you are using 1.0.0 you need to update animation attribute values following the camelCase conventions (eg: FROM_TOP -> fromTop)

Migration to 1.3.0

If you are using version less than 1.3.0 you need to update the usage of title and description because in 1.3.0 there's no longer descriptionStyle and titleStyle attributes those parameters are merged into title and description so now you pass a Text object.

Migration to 1.5.1

If you are using dismissable attribute in the 1.5.1 version the notification position should be set to NOTIFICATION_POSITION.bottom otherwise you need to set dismissable to false to change the notification position (center, bottom or top)

Migration to 1.5.4

Enum names has been changed: NOTIFICATION_POSITION is now NotificationPostion ANIMATION is now AnimationType


  • Success theme animation example
	title:  Text("Update"),
	description:  Text("Your data has been updated")

  • Info theme animation example
	title:  Text("Info"),
	description:  Text("This account will be updated once you exit")

  • Error theme animation example
	title:  Text("Error"),
	description:  Text("Please verifiy your data")

  • Custom theme animation example
	title:  ("New version"),
	description:  Text("A new version is available to you please update."),
	icon: Icon(
		color: Colors.orange,
	progressIndicatorColor: Colors.orange,

  • Without title
	description:  Text("Please verifiy your data")
  • With Action
	description:  Text('This account will be updated once you exit',),
	action:  Text(
		style:  TextStyle(
			decoration:  TextDecoration.underline,
			color:  Colors.blue,
	onActionPressed: (){
		print('Link pressed');


Of course the project is open source, and you can contribute to it repository link

  • If you found a bug, open an issue.
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue.
  • If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.
