
Gemini syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

MIT LicenseMIT

Gemini for Sublime Text

This extension adds syntax highlighting support for Gemini documents (with the .gmi extension) to Sublime Text.


This extension is on Package Control! You can install it in Sublime Text by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P (or Cmd+Shift+P on macOS), going to "Install Package", and then searching for "Gemini".

Find out more details here.

Example Syntax

# Heading

## Smaller heading

### Smallest heading

This is an example paragraph! Make sure you type paragraphs on one long line. They will be word-wrapped automatically by the Gemini client.

This is a Gemtext Link:

=> gemini://geminiprotocol.net Link to Project Gemini

Lists are also supported:

* Item 1
* Item 2
* Item 3

Finally, you can add 'raw' text by placing it between sets of '```',
just like this example text.

You can find a cheatsheet here:
=> https://geminiprotocol.net/docs/cheatsheet.gmi Gemini Cheatsheet

About Gemini

Specification: gemini://geminiprotocol.net/docs/specification.gmi

Specification (HTTP Mirror): https://geminiprotocol.net/docs/specification.gmi

Gemini syntax cheatsheet: https://geminiprotocol.net/docs/cheatsheet.gmi