- AndreaSanchezTapia@GlobalFishingWatch
- AubinDouglas
- aviast
- BetweenTwoTestsSeattle, WA
- CarlaBirdy@land-use-trade-offs
- ChristopherTraceyNatureServe
- DanRosauerCSIRO Environment
- egouldo@metamelb-repliCATS
- fguilhaumonIRD (
- happyshowsApple
- IsaakBMConservation International & UCSB
- javierfajnolla
- joelkuiperGroningen, The Netherlands
- katherinehebert@TheoreticalEcosystemEcology
- kkougiouAthens - Patras, Greece
- klatifianaIndonesia
- kyrannian
- lachhebomarket-pay-tech
- MaaniBeigyEindhoven University of Technology
- mabecker89Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- mairindeithVancouver, Canada
- marcosci@kalderadev
- MirzaCengicRadboud University, BHHU ATRA
- msoutheeWildlife Conservation Society Canada
- nevromeMPI GEA / MPI EVA
- ninsblNorwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE)
- njtierneyThe Kids Research Institute Australia
- pittman17
- saverygommEnvironment and Climate Change Canada
- SteveVissinSileco
- surgissantRail nerd
- TariqAHassan
- theodorosploumis
- VwakeMDevon
- williash23University of Montana
- xzsunbestWuhan University