
EM assimilation code used for a hopefully soon to be published paper.

Primary LanguagePython

The purpose of the following files are as follows:

Example of a sequential Gaussian simulation script to make Gaussian reservoir models based on probably distributions and sample data.

This is the file to create Figure 1 and Figure 2 of the paper. It is primarily used to calculate and save the electric field responses
for the ensemble. 
Requires a porosity and permeability ensemble as given by create_realizations.py

This loads and calculates the moments of the electric fields and temperature profiles. Used to generate Figures 3 and 4.
Uses the created files containing the electric field responses from from calculate_efields.

A reservoir model class file for DARTS with a few small adaptations to make it work with ESMDA. Other existing DARTS reservoirs
files should be able to be used as long as they have a way of taking a vector containing the porosity or permeability data and a
way to convert between them each other in the class file.

Main data assimilation file script. Calculates the prior, posterior, reference, and intermediate iteration results.
Requires a porosity and permeability ensemble as given by create_realizations.py

Plots the data gotten from main.py. Used for Figure 5.

Some extra functions used in main.py to make main.py more readable.

Folder containing example porosity and permeability data text files which were used as the prior ensemble. 
Generated by create_realizations/create_realizations.py.