
Guided Generative Network for Monte-Carlo rendering

Primary LanguagePython

Guided-Generative Network for Monte-Carlo rendering


The proposed Guided-Generative Network (GGN) is applied on photorealistic images which are rendered by Monte-Carlo methods by evaluating a large number of samples per pixel. An insufficient number of samples per pixel tends to result in residual noise which is very noticeable to humans. This noise can be reduced by increasing the number of samples, as proven by Monte-Carlo theory, but this involves considerable computational time. Finding the right number of samples needed for human observers to perceive no noise is still an open problem.

GGN architecture whose purpose is to obtain automatic noise-related features is composed of 3 neural network models:

  • Denoiser: U-Net based model which denoises each image of different level of noise from a sliding-window;
  • Feature Map Generator: an autoencoder model which takes as input an image sliding window and produces a noise feature map (NFM);
  • Discriminator: classical CNN model for binary classification task which takes as input two NFM, one from the input sliding window and one from the denoised sliding window.


git clone https://github.com/prise-3d/Guided-Generative-Newtork-MC-rendering.git
pip install -r requirements.txt

Data preparation

You can download the available dataset following this link.

Description of the dataset:

This image base proposes several points of view where for each, images of different sample levels have been saved. Human thresholds have been collected to specify at what level of noise the image appears to be of good quality. These thresholds were collected for non-overlapped blocks of size 200 x 200 from the 800 x 800 pixel image.

Prepare the input data for the model:

python processing/generate_dataset_ggn.py --dataset /path/to/SIN3D-dataset --thresholds resources/human-thresholds.csv --scenes resources/selected-scenes.csv --sequence 6 --nb 500 --tile_size "200,200" --output /path/to/output

Parameters indications:

  • scenes: specific scenes used for training model;
  • sequence: specify the sliding window size;
  • tile_size: specify the expected blocks size inside the image of 800 x 800 pixels;
  • nb: the number of different level of noise for each tiles (block) extracted from the current block. For example, if the number of level of noise is 500 (number of images inside the dataset for each viewpoint), nb = 500 means the use of each noise level.

Training the model

Start the training:

python train_ggn.py --folder /path/to/dataset --batch_size 64 --epochs 10 --sequence 6 --seqlayer 1 --choice gen_ref_and_mask --save test_ggn --load test_ggn

Parameters indications:

  • folder: path of the previously generated dataset;
  • seqlayer: number of channels for the Feature Map Generator (1 for gray level image);
  • choice: choice of the 3 networks architecture (for the proposed GGN gen_ref_and_mask is used). See models.seq_processing module for more information.
  • weighted: boolean (0 or 1) which indicates the use or not of weighted data when training model (see more about how to weight each sample of the dataset: here)

Note: the trained model is saved with backup inside the saved_models folder.

Visual access:

tensorboard --logdir=runs_ggn

Compute predictions

python predictions/compute_metrics.py --dataset /path/to/SIN3D-dataset --thresholds resources/human-thresholds.csv --scenes resources/selected-scenes.csv --tile_size "200,200" --sequence 6 --seqlayer 1 --choice gen_ref_and_mask --load model_name --output /path/to/o

Parameters indications:

  • load: the model name is expected, not the path. The saved_models folder does not need to be mention.

Note: this script will simulate the rendering of an image using the model and save the obtained predictions on each block of the viewpoints.

Paper and citation

Cite this paper:

  author={Buisine, Jérôme and Teytaud, Fabien and Delepoulle, Samuel and Renaud, Christophe},
  booktitle={2021 20th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA)}, 
  title={Guided-Generative Network for noise detection in Monte-Carlo rendering}, 
