
python script to launch pbrt with different Samper/Integrator

Primary LanguagePython


python script to launch pbrt with different Samper/Integrator

Launch pbrt

usage: launch_pbrt.py [-h] [--spp SPP] [--format FORMAT] [-f] [-o OUTPUT] [-b BASEDIR] [-p PBRT]

Script to launch pbrt and produce images from a varety of Sampler and Integrator for a list of scenes

ptional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --spp SPP             sample per pixel
  --format FORMAT       File extension for output file (default exr)
  -f, --force           Force mode.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output directory path with default value "./output".
  -b BASEDIR, --basedir BASEDIR
                        Base directory for pbrt scenes.
  -p PBRT, --pbrt PBRT  path and name of pbrt binary (default = "pbrt")

Exemple :

python3 launch_pbrt.py --spp 100 -b /mnt/data/common/pbrt-v4-scenes/ --pbrt /home/sam/prog/pbrt-contrib/build/pbrt