Mess Meal

A Flutter application for automating meal management and budget calculation in a mess.


  • Users can update and keep track of their daily meals.
  • Manager can change meal amounts (breakfast, lunch, dinner) for any day.
  • Manager and mess boys can view the list of users who opted to take any meal of a day.
  • Manager can input his expenses and make other changes to the monthly budget.
  • Conveners can add to or deduct from available mess funds.
  • Conveners can end the work period of a manager and assign the role to another user.
    • This assignment occurs automatically. Users move ahead in a circular list, and the one at the front becomes the manager.
  • Conveners can download the meal data and payable amount for every user during any manager's work period in pdf format.
  • Conveners can merge the details of two or more consecutive managers and get the total calculation in a single pdf document.
  • Conveners can send messages to all the users in the form of push notifications.

Technologies Used

  • Dart, Flutter Framework
  • Firebase Firestore Database
  • Firebase Authentication
  • Firebase Cloud Messaging