Resizes images using a Lambda function (aka Serverless Thumbor)
- 3
Partner up with
#12 opened by kbrandwijk - 3
Example with crop center: x and y center cropping
#16 opened by kenyk7 - 2
add ETag and Last-Modified to the handler.ts
#13 opened by dohomi - 2
- 2
- 0
- 0
Add rotation support
#21 opened by kbrandwijk - 1
- 0
- 3
Feature request: Name of images
#7 opened by huv1k - 2
Return 404 when file wasn't found
#5 opened by marktani - 3
- 0
Cropping requires resize
#4 opened by schickling - 1
Increase file limit
#2 opened by marktani - 1
Add `return` before line 37
#3 opened by ttrushin - 5