
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Module boilerplate server for @prisma-cms



Download module

git clone https://github.com/prisma-cms/module-boilerplate
cd module-boilerplate

Install dependencies

yarn install

Update module schema

./module-boilerplate/src/modules/schema/ (see instruction)

Deploy schema to prisma-server

endpoint={NEW_PRISMA_ENDPOINT} yarn deploy

Start server

endpoint={CREATED_PRISMA_ENDPOINT} yarn start

Open in brouser http://localhost:4000

Use as module for @prisma-cms/boilerplate

Just add as module in mergeModules here: https://github.com/prisma-cms/boilerplate/blob/master/src/server/modules/index.mjs

Component-boilerplate usage as front-end for module.

git clone https://github.com/prisma-cms/component-boilerplate
cd component-boilerplate
yarn start

Open in brouser http://localhost:3000

Note that module-boilerplate should work on port 4000 or configure proxySetup.