Pinned issues
- 2
PANIC: column on null constraint violation error
#25 opened by janpio - 6
- 3
Unique constraint failed on the constraint: `PRIMARY`
#21 opened by janpio - 6
- 1
Unique constraint failed for key-value tables
#56 opened by divyenduz - 3
- 0
- 7
Error: Unsupported ID type "DateTime"
#35 opened by divyenduz - 10
"Data too long for column \'...\' at row 1" / "value too long for type character ...(...)"
#19 opened by janpio - 2
- 6
Got invalid value, support for scalar arrays
#31 opened by divyenduz - 11
TypeError is not a function
#29 opened by divyenduz - 9
- 0
Unknown arg `data` in data
#32 opened by divyenduz - 1
"Unsupported jsonb version number 111"
#34 opened by divyenduz - 0
Update "Installation" in README
#11 opened by Jolg42 - 3
"Incorrect datetime value: \'2081-07-13 01:02:18\' for column \'last_update\' at row 1"
#20 opened by janpio - 4
unmet peer dependencies
#14 opened by janpio - 3
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
#17 opened by janpio - 1
`Error: Client is missing method for ...`
#16 opened by janpio - 1
- 1
- 1
Unique constraint failed on the fields: (`npi`)
#26 opened by janpio - 0
PostgreSQL type errors
#23 opened by janpio - 0
Clean up and make it work again
#9 opened by janpio - 0
- 0
Rename Lift to Migrate
#13 opened by Jolg42 - 0
Rename Photon to Prisma Client
#12 opened by Jolg42 - 0
Generate doesn't work
#3 opened by garrettg123 - 2
Example is broken
#4 opened by jondewoo