###PrismSoundZero template for Delicious Library 3.
- Search capabilities with typeahead suggestions
- Get album information from Spotify and LastFM API
- Play on Spotify
Download the .zip file and unzip it.
Copy the folder dist/prismsoundzero.libraryhtmltemplate to ~/Library/Containers/com.delicious-monster.library3/Data/Library/Application Support/Delicious Library 3/Templates
In Delicious Library 3, create a new public site and choose the template (scroll right while hovering over the template previews with the mouse if you don´t see it)
Configure LastFM and Spotify [Optional]
- To get LastFM info on an album page you need to get a LastFM API key
- To get Spotify info and to be able to play on Spotify your albums you need to register a Spotify Application
- Put your LastFM key and the Client ID of your Spotify App at the begening of the javascript file app.*.js
var lastFmKeyApiKey="YOUR_LAST_FM_KEY",lastFmApiBase="https://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/",spotifyClientId="YOUR_SPOTIFY_APP_CLIENT_ID";