Walk your Buddy! - WYB

Deployed URL:

What are you looking at?

WYB is your solution for when, whatever reason, you don't have time to walk you dog!


  1. npm install
  2. psql create database wyb_db
  3. knex migrate:latest
  4. knex seed:run
  5. run nodemon


Front-end: JavaScript, React, Redux, CSS Framework;
Back-end: Express, Node.js, Knex.js, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Bcrypt, JWT;
Testing: Mocha, Chai;
Deployment: Heroku.
Project planning: Trello



Technical requirements:


  • Allow for users to be able to interact with the site.
  • Use React.js or another front-end framework.
  • Include some client-side validation.
  • Have your frontend interact with routes via AJAX.
  • Have a separate project directory and GitHub repository for your frontend.
  • Deploy your site.


  • TDD the backend.
  • Have full test coverage.
  • Follow RESTful patterns.
  • Include error handling.
  • Store data in a database.
  • Save a separate project directory and GitHub repository for your back-end project.
  • Entity Relationship Diagram for your relational database schema.
  • Have at least one One-to-Many relationship and one Many-to-Many relationship between entities in your model.
  • Your relational database schema MUST implement these relationships using foreign key constraints.
  • Your relational database schema MUST be appropriately normalized.
  • Deploy your server.
  • Have a User entity.
  • Your API MUST support user authentication (a.k.a., "login" / "sign-in").


  • Use Redux and Routing.
  • Utilize a 3rd party API.tilize a 3rd party API.
  • Create a physical project planning board in the EDU space with post it notes
  • Make multiple commits with readable commit messages
  • Include a readme with installation instructions and screenshots