
Initializing RAT

Primary LanguageShell



  • Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/pritamd47/rat_init.git
  • Clone RAT 2.0: git clone https://github.com/pritamd47/rat_v2.git
  • Change directory to RAT 2.0: cd rat_v2
  • Run the init_rat.sh script, while passing the directory of RAT 2.0 (which in this case is the current directory, .) with the -d flag: bash ../rat_init/init_rat.sh -d .

In one go:

git clone https://github.com/pritamd47/rat_init.git
git clone https://github.com/pritamd47/rat_v2.git
cd rat_v2
bash ../rat_init/init_rat.sh -d .

This script installs and initializes a RAT instance -

  • Creates the directories
  • Installs anaconda and all the models