
Github Explorer Flutter (Android / iOS) App using Github Rest API web services

Primary LanguageDart

Github Explorer Flutter

Github Explorer Flutter (Android / iOS) App using Github Rest API web services.


The goal of this flutter application is to implement interface with Github REST API web service. It provide feature like search User's and it's details, along with list of user's Repositories, Followers and Following.

Getting Started

  • If you are new to Flutter, please first follow the Install instructions in the Flutter Getting Started guide to setup your Flutter development environment.
  • Clone this repo (if you have not already): git clone https://github.com/pritamkhose/GithubExplorerFlutter.git

Github Documentation

The official Github Documentation REST API v3 in details.


Splash Screen Search Users User Detail List of User Follower List of User Following List of User Repositories

Flutter Docs

For help getting started with Flutter, view Flutter's online documentation.

flutter basic commands

flutter doctor
flutter devices

flutter create flutter_app
cd flutter_app
flutter run
flutter run -d emulator-4
flutter logs -d emulator-4

flutter upgrade
flutter clean
flutter install

flutter Install packages commands

flutter packages get 
flutter packages upgrade

flutter build commands

flutter build apk
flutter build ios
flutter build appbundle

flutter test commands

flutter test testExample.dart

flutter analyze commands

flutter analyze
flutter analyze --watch --no-pub

Libraries Used

  • http fetching text JSON data and images via HTTP REST client
  • splashscreen for showing splash screen
  • flutter_custom_tabs for launching URLs in our application
  • url_launcher to consume JSON data via HTTP REST client
  • share to share intent of another apps
  • intl simple example of i18n support in Flutter
  • connectivity for check network connnection


Copyright 2019 Pritam Khose

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.