- Kubernetes tutorial
- Why is it needed
- Architecture
- Pod
- Service
- Persistence
- ENV vars, Configmaps, secrets
- Deployment
- Orchestration
- Hands-on
- 1. Download and install kind
- 2. Use kind to bootstrap a local kubernetes cluster
- 3. See status of cluster and confirm it is running
- 4. Get a docker-compose file
- 5. Create namespace
- 5. Prepare kubectl
- 6. Generate kubernetes resource files
- 7. Create configmaps
- 8. Create secret if pulling image from external sources
- 9. Deploy resources
- 10. Confirm deployment
- kubectl Cheatsheet in zsh
- Docs
Kubernetes enables developers to deploy their applications themselves and as often as they want, without requiring any assistance from the operations (ops) team. But Kubernetes doesnβt benefit only developers. It also helps the ops team by automatically monitoring and rescheduling those apps in the event of a hardware failure. The focus for system administrators (sysadmins) shifts from supervising individual apps to mostly supervising and managing Kubernetes and the rest of the infrastructure, while Kubernetes itself takes care of the apps.
Kubernetes abstracts away the hardware infrastructure and exposes your whole datacenter as a single enormous computational resource. It allows you to deploy and run your software components without having to know about the actual servers underneath.
Because of movement from monoliths to microservices, there needs to be
- A system for orchestration of microservices
- Granular control of microservices
- Providing a consistent environment to applications
- Moving to continuous delivery
- API server: communication for developers and other components
- Scheduler: app scheduler - schedule resource allocation
- Control manager: cluster-level functions: replicating components, track worker nodes, handling node failures etc
- etcd: distributed state and config storage, part of coreos (alt zookeeper)
- Container runtime: deprecated docker moved to CRI, supports containerd and CRIO
- Kubelet: local container manager, sync with api server
- kube-proxy: handles network routing for containers
Handles 4 basic resources:
- Compute
- Memory
- Storage
- Network
Pod is a co-located group of containers and represents the basic building block in Kubernetes.
Mostly, a pod = a container. Actual usage of pods containing multiple containers in very niche usecases like container placement constraints:
- Sharing network interface & ip address
- Sharing hostname
- IPC / unix socket communication
- Filesystem isolation
- Functions as a scaling unit
Concept introduced to group pods providing similar services for networking & service discovery.
- Single IP address & port
- Routing and hostname resolution
- Connect to external load balancers
Application layer routing:
- NodePort
- Reserve a port across all nodes
- All nodes running service can be used
- LoadBalancer
- Use ELB
- Ingress controller
- Global nginx + ELB
- Cloud
- pre-provisioned
- local
- Git repo etc
- wtf
ENV vars: pod definitions
- storage for key-value pairs
- meant for configuration storage
- treated as a volume
- passed to containers as env vars
- can be passed as command line arg or file
- storage for key-value pairs
- same as configmaps
- encrypted
Image pull secrets:
- same as secrets
- used to pull container images from external services
Supports multiple deployment patterns:
- Rolling
- Blue-green
- Canary
Supports various replica sets
Arch / Manjaro:
yay -Ss aur/kind-bin
Other Linux:
curl -Lo ./kind https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/dl/v0.10.0/kind-linux-amd64
chmod +x ./kind
mv ./kind /usr/bin/kind
brew install kind
kind create cluster
Creating cluster "kind" ...
β Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.19.1) πΌ
β Preparing nodes π¦
β Writing configuration π
β Starting control-plane πΉοΈ
β Installing CNI π
β Installing StorageClass πΎ
Set kubectl context to "kind-kind"
You can now use your cluster with:
kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kind
Not sure what to do next? π
Check out https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/quick-start/
kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kind
kind get clusters
Generate an arda project:
export project_name=diamondhands
export project_title="Diamond hands :diamond:"
export project_description="Forever HODLer"
export db_name=gold
export db_username=diamond
export db_password=password
make new
cd diamondhands
# You should have a docker-compose.yml file here
Modify as per docker v3 specs.
Or use this:
version: "3"
image: postgres:12-alpine
- ./env-sandbox/db.env
- "5432:5432"
- primary-db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
mode: replicated
replicas: 1
cpus: '0.001'
memory: 1024M
cpus: '0.001'
memory: 512M
kompose.service.type: "clusterip"
mkdir env-sandbox
touch env-sandbox/db.env
Or fetch your own docker-compose v3 file.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: ktest
Store as namespace.yaml
KUBECTL='kubectl --namespace ktest'
# KUBECTL='kubectl --dry-run=client'
$KUBECTL apply -f ./namespace.yml
export PROJECT_NAME=diamondhands
export ENVIRONMENT=sandbox
mkdir kubernetes
cd kubernetes
kompose convert --error-on-warning --provider kubernetes -c -f ../docker-compose.yml
kompose convert --error-on-warning --provider kubernetes -f ../docker-compose.yml
Set some default options to false:
for pod in *-pod.yaml; do
yq -y '.spec.enableServiceLinks = false' $pod > tmp
mv tmp $pod
Format all envs into a directory .env
for filename in env-*; do
CFG_NAME=$(echo $filename | cut -d '.' -f 1)
$KUBECTL create configmap --from-env-file ./${filename} env-${ENVIRONMENT}-${CFG_NAME}-env || true
$KUBECTL create configmap --from-env-file ./db.env env-sandbox-db-env
cd ..
export ENVIRONMENT=sandbox
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-south-1
PASS=$(aws ecr get-login-password --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION)
$KUBECTL create secret docker-registry $ENVIRONMENT-aws-ecr-$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION \
--docker-server=$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com \
--docker-username=AWS \
--docker-password=$PASS \
--docker-email=lel@lol.com --namespace ktest
EXISTS=$($KUBECTL get secret "quay.io" | tail -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
if [ "$EXISTS" != "quay.io" ]; then
$KUBECTL create secret docker-registry quay.io \
--docker-server=quay.io \
--docker-username=setuinfra+your-bot-name \
--docker-password=get-your-won-key \
--docker-email=lel@lol.com --namespace ktest
$KUBECTL apply -f ./kubernetes/ --namespace ktest
kubectl logs primary-db-79df5979cb-lrljd -n ktest --tail 100 --follow
kubectl exec --stdin --tty primary-db-79df5979cb-lrljd -n ktest -- /bin/bash
alias k="kubectl"
source <(kubectl completion zsh)
source <(kompose completion zsh)
alias k_services="k get services --sort-by=.metadata.name --all-namespaces"
alias k_pods="k get pods --all-namespaces -o wide"
alias k_restart="k get pods --all-namespaces --sort-by='.status.containerStatuses[0].restartCount'"
alias k_volumes="k get pv --all-namespaces --sort-by=.spec.capacity.storage"
alias k_running="k get pods --all-namespaces --field-selector=status.phase=Running"
alias k_nodes="k get nodes --all-namespaces"
alias k_shell="k exec --stdin --tty $POD -- /bin/sh"
alias k_events="k get events --watch --all-namespaces"
alias k_secrets="k get secrets --all-namespaces"
alias k_configs="k get configMaps --all-namespaces"
alias k_context="k config current-context"
alias k_set_context="k config use-context "
alias k_images="kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o jsonpath="{..image}" |\
tr -s '[[:space:]]' '\n' |\
sort |\
uniq -c"
https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/ https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/quick-start/
https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/translate-compose-kubernetes/ https://kompose.io/user-guide/
https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/compose-file-v3/#links https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#publishing-services-service-types
https://medium.com/google-cloud/kubernetes-nodeport-vs-loadbalancer-vs-ingress-when-should-i-use-what-922f010849e0 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45079988/ingress-vs-load-balancer https://github.com/Kong/kubernetes-ingress-controller https://docs.konghq.com/kubernetes-ingress-controller/1.1.x/guides/getting-started/ https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/
https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/containers-kubernetes/your-guide-kubernetes-best-practices https://techbeacon.com/devops/one-year-using-kubernetes-production-lessons-learned
- https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/debug-application-cluster/debug-service/
- Shell: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/debug-application-cluster/get-shell-running-container/
- For running containers: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/debug-application-cluster/debug-running-pod/#container-exec
- For stopped containers: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/debug-application-cluster/debug-running-pod/#ephemeral-container
- Extensions: https://github.com/aylei/kubectl-debug#install-the-kubectl-debug-plugin
Stopped container debugging: Override the default troubleshooting image
kubectl debug POD_NAME --image aylei/debug-jvm
Override entrypoint of debug container
kubectl debug POD_NAME --image aylei/debug-jvm /bin/bash
- Docker swarm
- Nomad + Consul