Writing & Making Operating System and Kernel parts so simple like Hello World Programs, Starting from writing Bootloaders, Hello World Kernel, GDT, IDT, Terminal, Keyboard/Mouse, Memory Manager, HDD ATA R/W, VGA/VESA Graphics
- 18
Paging Code Restarts Qemu
#28 opened by xing1357 - 7
can i have help?
#32 opened by CPScript - 5
I am unable to load PE
#10 opened - 2
Screen scrolling doesn't work.
#26 opened by sasdallas - 1
Run in 64-bit long mode
#27 opened by JoverZhang - 1
How do I create a bootloader that loads the OS
#14 opened by okyanusoz - 0
Scrolling Screen
#25 opened by xing1357 - 1
Bitmap lower-case rendering issue
#19 opened by chardida - 0
Add Filesystem
#23 opened by xing1357 - 0
could not read
#21 opened by fgsoftware1 - 5
- 3
Needs update
#16 opened - 3
No booteable device error
#1 opened - 2
Error on making `MyOs.bin`
#2 opened by rahatzamancse - 2
@pritamzope I'm getting a blank screen
#5 opened by GowthamR1011 - 2
Error:' 20: qemu-system-x86_64: not found', by the way i'm using kali linux on virtualbox(Debian-64)
#8 opened by harshsingh8 - 1
- 1
Output more colors in the VGA palette
#17 opened by SleepMod - 7
- 1
- 3
How to get user input?
#3 opened - 7
How to set cursor location?
#4 opened - 1
grub-mkrescue: error: cannot open `/usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/': Permission denied.
#12 opened by yeppiidev - 1
@pritamzope, how can i load PE?
#9 opened - 1
Using malloc and converting to 64bit
#7 opened by EducatedMF - 3