
Analyzing real-time data using Apache Kafka & Spark Streaming

Primary LanguagePython

Instructions for setup

Start Zookeeper & Kafka Server on 2 separate terminals :

/usr/bin/zookeeper-server-start config/zookeeper.properties

/usr/bin/kafka-server-start config/server.properties

To insert data into the topic, run :

python kafka_server.py

To start the Kafka consumer, run :

kafka-console-consumer --topic calls --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

To submit the Spark job, run :

spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.11:2.3.4 --master local[*] --conf spark.ui.port=3000 data_stream.py

Optimizing Parameters

Effect of SparkSession property parameters on throughput and latency of data

The parameter processedRowsPerSecond directly affects the throughput. Increasing or decreasing this value will proportionately affect the throughput.

Most efficient SparkSession property key-value pairs

In order to optimize the parameter processedRowsPerSecond, the following key value pairs were found optimal :

  • spark.default.parallelism : 100
  • spark.streaming.kafka.maxRatePerPartition : 100
  • spark.sql.shuffle.partitions : 100