You will have to submit this task with git (you can use Github or Bitbucket). After you are finishing make sure the code is pushed and send an email/skype with a link.
The code should be runnable on Chrome (don't warry about the rest), NPM start or something simple for run it.
Stack: React, Redux, Rxjs (or similar lib), ES6/ES7 or Typescript
We are looking for best practices, maintainability, knowledge general programming skills/abilities
interface Asset {
id: number
assetName: string; // "USD", Samsung Electronics Co Ltd : "SSNLF"
price: number; // asset current price relative to USD
lastUpdate: number; // unix timestamp
type: "Currency" | "Stock"; // asset type Currency (e.g. USD, EUR...) or Stock (Samsung, Google)
Creates 400 random assets, 200 currencies and 200 stocks (just the types is iterating, you don't need real assets) id 1-400
Create a stream from those 400 assets that fires 1 update per secound for each asset:
- price must be changed each update by -1 to 1 and with the current timestamp, the rest will stay the same
you can find the mock at mock.js It exports a mock, rxjs observable with the required stream
This is not a starter or boilerplate it is just to confirm that the mock isn't broken You still can boot your project how ever you want
npm/yarn install npm test
You should see console log with the object on the steam
- Show a table with all of the assets
- The prices should be updating every second as described above
- Allow to sort for each one of the model fields
- Allow to filter for each one of the model fields
- Add to favorites button
- favorites should be persist to localstorage
- favorites should be pin to the top of the table