
This app shows jsPanel4 Integration with React JS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This project is just a playground to test how jsPanel4 can be integrated with React JS without altering the jsPanel4 library.

jsPanel4 is an amazing JS library written in vanilla javascript by Stefan Sträßer. It has no dependency.

Click here to see the live running application.

How to use

  • Clone the repo
  • yarn or npm install
  • yarn start or npm start
  • play with code to see how its implemented

App.js preview

import React, { Component, lazy, Suspense } from 'react';
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
import './App.css';
import { jsPanel } from 'jspanel4/es6module/jspanel';
import 'jspanel4/es6module/extensions/modal/jspanel.modal';
import 'jspanel4/dist/jspanel.min.css';

// Normal components
import Clock from './components/clock';
import ActionButton from './components/ActionButton';
import CreatePortal from './components/createPortal';

// jsPanel default options
import jsPanelOptions from './jsPanelOptions';

// lazy loaded components
const DisplayName = lazy(() => import('./components/DisplayName'));
const Countries = lazy(() => import('./components/Countries'));
const TodoApp = lazy(() => import('./components/Todo/TodoApp'));
const SampleUsers = lazy(() => import('./components/SampleUsers'));
const RandomImage = lazy(() => import('./components/RandomImage'));

// Top level React component
class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      panels: {}

  createJsPanel = (action, comp, modal = false) => {
    // keep Main component refrence
    const app = this;
    // check if its already mounted, bring it to front
    if (app.state.panels[action]) {
      return app.state.panels[action]['panel'].front(() => {
          height: 'auto'
        app.state.panels[action]['panel'].reposition('center-top 0 20%');

    const options = {
      headerTitle: action,
      onclosed: () => {
        // remove closed jsPanel and its mounted component from state
        const appPanels = app.state.panels;
        if (appPanels[action]) {
          delete appPanels[action];
          app.setState({ panels: { ...appPanels } });
    // create jsPanel
    const panel = modal ? jsPanel.modal.create(options) : jsPanel.create(options);
    // save panel and compponent (this will be mounted later inside panel body) reference inside state
    app.setState({ panels: { ...app.state.panels, [action]: { panel, comp } } });

  renderJsPanlesInsidePortal() {
    const panels = this.state.panels;
    return Object.keys(panels).map(action => {
      const jsPanel = panels[action].panel;
      const Comp = panels[action].comp;
      const node = document.getElementById(`${jsPanel.id}-node`);
      let counter = 0;
      if (!Comp) return null;
      return (
        <CreatePortal rootNode={node} key={jsPanel.id}>
          {Array.isArray(Comp) ? (
            Comp.map(C => (
              <Suspense key={`${jsPanel.id}-${counter++}`} fallback={<div className="alert alert-info">Loading...</div>}>
                <C jsPanel={jsPanel} />
          ) : (
            <Suspense fallback={<div className="alert alert-info">Loading...</div>}>
              <Comp jsPanel={jsPanel} />

  render() {
    const jsPanels = Object.keys(this.state.panels);
    const actionButtonProps = {
      className: 'btn btn-outline-primary ml-2 mb-2',
      handleClick: this.createJsPanel
    return (
      <div className="container-fluid">
        <div className="row bg-dark text-white shadow p-2">
          <div className="col-md-12">
            <h4 className="text-center">jsPanel with react</h4>
        <div className="row justify-content-center mt-4">
          <div className="card">
            <div className="card-body">
              <ActionButton {...actionButtonProps} title="Simple Example" comp={DisplayName} />
              <ActionButton {...actionButtonProps} title=" Countries List" comp={Countries} />
              <ActionButton {...actionButtonProps} title="Todo App" comp={TodoApp} />
              <ActionButton {...actionButtonProps} title="Sample Users" comp={SampleUsers} />
              <ActionButton {...actionButtonProps} title="Random Image" comp={RandomImage} />
              <ActionButton {...actionButtonProps} title="Modal Example" comp={Clock} modal={true} />
              <ActionButton {...actionButtonProps} title="Multiple Components" comp={[Clock, DisplayName, RandomImage, Countries]} />
        {jsPanels.length > 0 && this.renderJsPanlesInsidePortal()}

export default App;