Using the Build Package

The /whisk.system/build package offers a convenient way for us to specify list of dependencies, install them on OpenWhisk runtime container, package them with the intended action and deploy that action on OpenWhisk. For example, for NodeJS runtime, receive package.json with action source, run npm install --production on OpenWhisk container, zip up the list of dependencies from the package.json along with action source code, and create an action with this zip file.

This package includes following actions:

Entity Type Parameters Description
/whisk.system/build package - Utility to package and deploy third party modules
/whisk.system/build/nodejs action action_name, action_data Runs npm install --production and creates a zip file with dependencies on OpenWhisk server
/whisk.system/build/python action action_name, action_data, action_kind Runs virtualenv and pip install on OpenWhisk server

Package and Deploy Third Party Modules - NodeJS

Problem Statement (Without /whisk.system/build/nodejs):

OpenWhisk has a limitation in creating actions which are dependent on third party modules. We have to install such modules locally before creating a new action and package them as part of action source. In addition, those packages are not available to any other action in the same runtime container. For example:

$ cd incubator-openwhisk-package-build/nodejs/actions/helloworld
$ ls -1
$ npm install --production
$ zip -rq *
$ wsk action create helloworld --kind nodejs:6
$ wsk action invoke helloworld -r --blocking --param name Amy
    "message": "Hello, Amy!"

nodejs Parameters

The /whisk.system/build/nodejs action installs and packages dependent npm modules while creating an OpenWhisk action. The parameters are as follows:

  • action_name: A string specifying name of an intended action. For example: my-action

  • action_data: Base64 encoded compressed data containing action files and package.json. Must have index.js and can have package.json. For example: zip -rq action_files/ followed by cat | base64.

Solution (With /whisk.system/build/nodejs):

The following in an example of creating an action helloworld:

$ cd incubator-openwhisk-package-build/nodejs/actions/helloworld
$ ls -1
$ zip -rq *
$ wsk action invoke /whisk.system/build/nodejs --blocking --param action_name helloworld --param action_data `cat | base64`

Here helloworld is using node module string-format which is not available in OpenWhisk Node.js runtime container and was installed by build/nodejs. Test helloworld with:

$ wsk action invoke helloworld -r --blocking --param name Amy
    "message": "Hello, Amy!"

Install Python Packages

Problem Statement (Without /whisk.system/build/python*):

$ cd incubator-openwhisk-package-build/python/actions/jokes
$ ls -1
$ virtualenv virtualenv
$ source virtualenv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ zip -rq virtualenv
$ wsk action create jokes --kind python:2 --main joke
$ wsk action invoke jokes -r --blocking
    "joke": "Software developers like to solve problems. If there are no problems handily available, they will create their own problems."

python2/python3 Parameters:

The /whisk.system/build/python2 and /whisk.system/build/python3 action installs third-party Python packages on Python runtime container before creating an OpenWhisk action. The parameters are as follows:

  • action_name: A string specifying name of an intended action. For example: my-python-action

  • action_data: Base64 encoded compressed data containing action files and requirements.txt. Must have requirements.txt and can have action source files. If an entry function is outside of, you must specify action_main. For example: zip -rq my-python-action/ followed by cat | base64.

  • action_main: Optional. A string specifying an entry function of the intended action.

Solution (With /whisk.system/build/nodejs):

The following in an example of creating an action my-python-action:

$ cd incubator-openwhisk-package-build/python/actions/jokes
$ ls -1
$ zip -rq *
$ wsk action invoke /whisk.system/build/python2 --blocking --param action_name jokes --param action_data `cat | base64` --param action_main joke

Here jokes depends on the third party Python package pyjokes which is not available in OpenWhisk Python2 runtime container and was installed by build/python2. Test jokes with:

$ wsk action invoke jokes -r --blocking
    "joke": "There are 10 types of people: those who understand hexadecimal and 15 others"