
Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is the assignment of pococare and i have to built front-end and back-end both.

Install npm Packages

npm i --global

Run Server

npx nodemon index.js

Runs the project in the development mode



To run this application, you have to set your own environmental variables. For security reasons, some variables have been hidden from view and used as environmental variables with the help of dotenv package. Below are the variables that you need to set in order to run the application:

NPM Packages

bcrypt.png cors dotenv jwt mongoose.png nodemailer nodemon.png

API Endpoints


GET  / 



onlt admin and super admin can acces this route
GET /user/all  
POST  /user/register
POST  /user/login
GET /user/logout
PATCH /user/update:id
DELETE /user/update:id

#### user Body
  name: String,
  email: String,
  password: String,
  role: user ,seller: String