- 11
- 0
#211 opened by Ppeepost4489 - 0
#212 opened by Ppeepost4489 - 0
> This would be for sites on some kind of tracking list that start out without any kind of storage? Because I think ideally this would be the default. (Even more ideal would be if we didn't need the lists long term as the partitioning would keep it all in check.)
#208 opened by patrron - 2
Unable to acccess third party cookies values - SAP Successfactors, SAP BTP, CHIPS
#203 opened by Madhumitha2000er - 16
Expand storage-access-preserving navigations to include same-origin-initiated navigations, not just self-initiated.
#197 opened by bvandersloot-mozilla - 4
Top-level calls to navigator.permissions.query for SAA should probably return "granted"
#168 opened by johannhof - 4
Feature request: Auto-grant storage access without requiring user interaction or explicit API call in cases determined to be safe
#170 opened by lghall - 1
- 3
Unable to request storage API access from hosting app to set cookies from iframe
#202 opened by abhirajdatta - 1
Use case validation - iframe using third party cookies as part of the requests
#200 opened by carlos-rodrigo - 1
Support FedCM-based grants
#196 opened by johannhof - 7
- 6
Feature Request: Allow an iframe to request Storage Access permission before the user has visited the origin at the top level
#199 opened by enriquepablo - 38
How does storage access interact with Dedicated, Shared and Service Workers?
#157 opened by johannhof - 1
- 2
How can I reset the Storage Access API "previous interaction" state in Chrome?
#194 opened by DavidScales - 4
- 8
FR: Request header to indicate storage access
#130 opened by lghall - 1
- 1
Cookie store changes unspecified
#181 opened by miketaylr - 0
- 1
Avoid using the permissions task source directly
#144 opened by johannhof - 8
Reloading frame after granted storage access to enable efficient site isolation
#154 opened by johnwilander - 2
FedCM vs Storage Access API use case
#183 opened by egor-limenko - 2
- 3
Shared worker use cases doesn't seem to work
#175 opened by jagadeeshaby - 0
- 2
Request Storage access Page Security model
#179 opened by jagadeeshaby - 5
- 7
Storage Access API (requestStorageAccess)
#176 opened by andywang219 - 2
- 3
FR: Ability for a frame to indicate on initial load that storage access is required
#131 opened by lghall - 1
Request Access for WebSockets?
#140 opened by OskarEichler - 2
- 8
hasStorageAccess() always queues a task to resolve with the environment's boolean?
#164 opened by domfarolino - 4
Synchronous hasStorageAccess?
#146 opened by johannhof - 4
- 0
Use (top-level site, embedded site) permissions
#147 opened by johannhof - 1
Editorial: Consider removing implementation-defined steps because we have requesting permission to use
#156 opened by johannhof - 1
permissions.query() tests
#143 opened by annevk - 0
- 5
- 6
- 0
Editorial: stop using first/third-party as terms
#153 opened by annevk - 0
- 9
Improve testing story
#126 opened by annevk - 3
- 0
State checks are inconsistent between rSA and hSA
#134 opened by annevk - 1
I'm somewhat concerned about giving websites the ability to revoke permissions. It seems this could lead to a confusing user experience where the user ends up seeing the same dialog over and over.
#129 opened by jwrosewell