Building and running the game

You must have Java and SBT installed, prior to building the project.

After cloning the repository, please run this command:

sbt assembly

This builds a runnable JAR file, and also runs all the unit tests.

Run the game with this command:

java -jar target/scala-2.13/goose.jar

Theoretically, it's possible to run the game using SBT:

sbt run

In practice though, it messes with the console. Therefore my recommendation is to opt for the former, and rather build and run the JAR.

Prank option

To turn on the Prank option in the game, include the -withPrank flag in the run command:

java -jar target/scala-2.13/goose.jar -withPrank

Playing the game

Please see the original README for a general descriiption of the game. The game starts automatically after the configured number of players is reached by adding new players.

Prank option

In this current implementation, the prank does not apply to special moves, like bounce, bridge or stepping on a goose.