
Track Webpack output size via version control

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Webpack Distsize

Track Webpack output size via version control

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⭐️ Features

  • 📊 Size conscious Be aware of how your changes impact file size
  • 💅 Pretty formatting View color-coded assets ordered by size via npx distsize
  • ⚙️ Configurable Save distsize data where you like and set custom thresholds

🚀 Install

npm i -D webpack-distsize

👩‍🏫 Easy setup

Add to your Webpack config:

// 1. Import plugin
const Distsize = require('webpack-distsize');

module.exports = {

	plugins: [
		// 2. Add to plugins array
		new Distsize()

Run your Webpack build and track the produced .distsize.json file via version control.

Distsize viewing

The plugin installs the distsize binary to view the outputted distsize JSON file. IT defaults to reading .distsize.json in the current directory, but pass in a path to read from a custom path.

npx distsize

🎛 Options

Configure Distisze by passing in an options object:

new Distsize({
	// Options
  • log <Boolean> (default true) - Whether to log the distsize to stdout

  • filepath <String> (default .distsize.json) - Output location for distsize JSON data

  • indent <Number|String> (default 2) - Indentation for distsize JSON data

  • filter <Function(assetName)|RegExp|String> (null) - Filter to include assets by name

    // Example filter that ignores hidden files and source-maps
    filter: (asset) => !asset.startsWith('.') && !asset.endsWith('.map')
  • thresholds <Array> - Color coding to use for size thresholds

      { threshold: 100000, color: 'red' },
      { threshold: 50000, color: 'orange' },
      { threshold: 10000, color: 'yellow' },
      { threshold: 5000, color: 'dodgerblue' },
      { threshold: 0, color: 'lime' },

💁‍♀️ FAQ

  • Can it track and display asset growth?

    Depends on your Webpack configuration. If your assets are emitted under the same name, then yes.

    But if it usses [hash], [contenthash], [chunkhash], then it's not possible to accurately draw a comparison across builds.

  • Can it track size impact from dependency changes?

    If a dependency change impacts distribution size, it will be reflected by this plugin, but it will not contain any details that hint at which dependency grew in size. I recommend doing upgrades in isolation so it's easily identifiable.

    Distsize focuses specifically on distribution size and making it digestible because that alone can be overwhelming—a large codebase can produce hundreds of assets.

    If you want something similar for dependencies, I recommend using webpack-dependency-size.

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💼 License