Password Generator

This is a simple Python script that generates a password by combining random letters, numbers, and symbols.

How to Use

  1. Clone the repository:
   git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd your-repo-name
  1. Run the script:

Follow the prompts to specify the number of letters, numbers, and symbols you want in your password.

The script will generate a password, shuffle its characters, and display the final password.


Python (>= 3.0)

How It Works

The script defines lists of letters, numbers, and symbols. It prompts the user to input the desired number of letters, numbers, and symbols for the password. The script generates random characters from each category and adds them to the password list. The password list is shuffled to randomize the order of characters. The shuffled characters are combined to form the final password. The generated password is displayed to the user.

Feel free to use, modify, and distribute this code as needed. Happy password generating!