- An all in one platform for admin/teacher/student for managing the institute.
- If you login through as student(Because you cannot make an account for student, only admin can add students into the database)
- You can view your schedules, of today and of previous days.
- View worksheets, given to you by the teachers with a note describing the worksheet.
- View remarks, submitted by teachers related to your performance.
- If you login through as teacher(Same rule- only admin can add teacher)
- You can view your schedule, of today and of previous days.
- Give remarks to particular students...based on their performance.
- Upload worksheets for the students to complete with description, which standard to submit.
- Register a Student/Teacher to make their logins and other features they can use.
- Make schedules - For a particular standard and various subjects contained inside lectures in tat schedule..and the same can be viewed by that respective standard - stduent and subject teachers.
- Send emails - To the parents of students who have entered the premises/exited the premises of the Coaching institute to notify about the specific attendance of their child.
- Home page - Showcasing some corousals and which subjects are taken in our institute
- About page - Showcasing the teaching staff of our institute.