Note it's preferred to use Git bash terminal when on Windows. You can download it from here.
Also, Python3.7 should be installed and added to PATH.
$ python --version
Python 3.7.3
- Fork the project.
- Clone the repo.
- Create a child(feature) branch from master branch.
- In the child(feature) branch, implement missing functions and add new tests using mock to make the unit tests pass (run tests locally).
- Push the child(feature) branch from local to the remote.
- Share the link to your repo.
Before running tests locally make sure, you have forked the project to create your own copy of the repo. Then clone the repo into your local machine.
Cd into your local repo
$ cd python-unittest-mocking-classroom
User@DESKTOP- MINGW64 /f/Learnings/TDD/python-unittest-mocking-classroom (master)
As can be seen above, currently the local repo points to the master
branch. Create a chile branch with name feature/add-tests
$ git checkout -b feature/add-tests
Switched to a new branch 'feature/add-tests'
Now that you are checked in to child branch, you can start working on code.
Make sure you are in the root directory of the project
$ ls src tests
Then create a virtual environment for the project.
On Linux
$ virtualenv -p python venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
On Windows Powershell
> virtualenv -p python venv
> .\venv\Scripts\activate
Git Bash
$ virtualenv -p python venv
$ . venv/Scripts/activate
Run the tests
$ python -m unittest
You should see the following failing output
Ran 2 tests in 0.002s
Reference files (src/ and tests/ have been provided to understand how mocking works. And that's why the above 2 tests are passing.
Another skeleton file (src/ has been provided. You need to implement the two methods to calculate min and max salary. You can create a sample table in localhost MySQL server, insert a few test records and can refer the same in the code.
After implementation, run
$ python src/
The above command should print the min and max salary to the console as can been seen in the code.
Create a test file
inside tests directory. Add a test method test_max_salary_is_greater_than_min_salary
to assert that max salary is greater than min salary. Note you need to mock the two methods here and return a custom output so that the tests don't make actual DB calls. You can use self.assertGreater() for assertion.
Run the tests
$ python -m unittest
You should now see one added test to the output and all tests must pass.
Ran 3 tests in 0.002s
Commit all the code changes and push the feature branch to the remote.