
PR your joke if you know good ( or horrible ) js joke . I will post it on coding valley's insta page.

Javascript Jokes °• javascript

Send me a PR if you know a good ( or horible ) Joke.

submit your own, if they make me laugh I'll merge them and post it on codingvalley's insta page

Coding Valley

Question - Why did the child component have such great self-esteem?

Because its parent kept giving it props!

Friend: you both look like a cute couple!! where did you find her? tinder or insta? Me: GITHUB

Programmer 1: We have a problem! Programmer 2: Let’s use RegEx! Programmer 1: Now we have two problems.

My girlfriend dumped me after I named a class after her. She felt I treated her like an object.

Question - Why did the react class component feel relieved?

Because it was now off the hook.

Question - Which type of shooting always hurt the shooter?


Question: What are the similarities between java and javascript? It's just like , CAR and CARPET(CAR-pet) {JAVA and JAVA-script)

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