
This repository contains basics of Kotlin language.๐Ÿš€

Primary LanguageKotlin


This repository contains basics of Kotlin required for Android development.

๐Ÿ“Œ Topics Covered:

  1. Kotlin Fundamentals

    • Hello World
    • Variables in Kotlin
    • Var and val
    • Type Inference
    • Lateinit
    • Null Safety
    • String concatination using $
  2. Arrays

  3. Lists

  4. Maps

  5. Loops

  6. When as replacement of Switch

  7. Functions

  8. Classes

  9. Constructors

    • Primary Constructor
    • Secondary
  10. Object without class

  11. Companion object

  12. Lambda Expressions

  13. Higher order functions

  14. Passing function as a parameter

  15. Scope Functions

  16. Extension Functions

  17. Data Class

  18. Concurrency in Android

    • Multi-threading
    • ConcurrentModificationException
    • Iterators