
Personal Portfolio. Contains templates and a user guide. Fork and Enjoy!

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


This is my minimal academic protflio and blog github page. The entire site is hosted and served for free by github. Feel free to explore and fork, and have use this tempelate for your own portfolios.

The site also contains a contact form powered by formspree. It is easy, secure and simple to use.

Getting started

  1. Register a GitHub account if you don’t have one and confirm your e-mail (required!)
  2. Download the contents in the package folder and follow the templates inside.
  3. Go to the repository’s settings (rightmost item in the tabs that start with “Code”, should be below “Unwatch”). Rename the repository “[your GitHub username].github.io”, which will also be your website’s URL.
  4. Set site-wide configuration and create content & metadata.
  5. Upload any files (like PDFs, .zip files, etc.) to the pages/projects/ . They will appear at https://[your GitHub username].github.io/files/example.pdf.
  6. Check status by going to the repository settings, in the “GitHub pages” section


  • Add support for page hit counters.
  • Add support for Discord message forms.
  • Add CSS code for mobile devices.
  • Add Documentation.