
Learning to transduce with unbounded memory

Primary LanguagePython

Learning to Transduce ... using a modular, extensible framework that we created.

- by Priyam Tejaswin and Akshay Chawla


Writing your own framework is every ML programmer's dream. Given that countless libraries already exist in every language imaginable from Crystal to Ruby, why not add another framework which no one will ever hear of to the mix?

All kidding aside, developing a simple ML framework which can be used for different projects from scratch really is one of our goals. We believe it is the ultimate test of theory, design and programming skills. Inspired from Keras, this repository tracks our attempts towards building an extensible, modular ML framework. As a poc, we chose to implement the Learning to Transduce Deepmind paper using this framework.

NOTE: This is a work in progress. Scroll down to the ends to see which features are in progress. You can visit our Trello board: transduction-ftw for more details.


master is the core deployment branch. The code is organised as follows.

├── README.md
├── grad_check.py ## Script for numerical gradient checking.
├── ltt
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── layers ## Various layers to build models.
│   │   ├── README.md
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── abstract_layer.py ## AbstractBaseClass for a layer object.
│   │   ├── dense.py
│   │   ├── loss_mse.py
│   │   ├── relu.py
│   │   ├── rnn.py
│   │   ├── sigmoid.py
│   │   ├── tanh.py
│   ├── memory ## External memory objects to augment a model.
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── base_memory.py ## AbstractBaseClass for a memory object.
│   │   ├── neural_stack.py ## A neural stack object.
│   ├── models ## Different types of model(API) implementations.
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── model.py ## Basic sequential model.
│   ├── optimizers ## Optimizers.
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── opt_sgd.py ## SGD optimizer. Accepts a MODEL object.
│   └── utils ## Utility classes and functions.
│       ├── __init__.py
│       ├── initializers.py ## Initialize numpy arrays consistently.
├── mnist_test.py ## Small example of using our framework's API.
├── my_tests.py ## Ignored testig file.
├── not-so-simple-rnn.py ## A crude RNN for binary addition. Reference.
└── simple-rnn.py ## Simple implementation for reference.

Basic usage

Lets walk through a simple example and build a multi-layer perceptron using our sequential model API.

  1. Begin by importing libraries to load, pre-process datasets and visualise results.
import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits 
import sklearn.preprocessing 
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
  1. Import the required layer objects and the model object from ltt.
from ltt.models import Model 
from ltt.layers import Dense, Tanh, Sigmoid, ReLU, MSE
from ltt.optimizers import SGD
  1. Load and pre-process the mnist data as dense numpy array. Our framework does not support sparse objects.
    data, target = load_digits(return_X_y=True)
    data, target = shuffle(data, target)
    target = target.reshape(len(target), 1)
    enc = sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder() 
    target = enc.transform(target).toarray()
    data = data / 16.0
  1. Let's create a model. Here's the constructor for a Model object.
class Model(object):
    A simple sequential model.
    self.sequence stores the order in which ops were added.
    self.layers stores the layers against names.

    Forward pass and loss are separate.
    def:forward will just return the prediction.

    def __init__(self, name, loss_layer=None, optimizer=None):
        if loss_layer is not None:
            assert isinstance(loss_layer, AbstractLayer), "loss is not AbstractLayer object"

        self.optimizer = optimizer
        self.name = name
        self.loss_layer = loss_layer
        self.sequence = []
        self.layers = {}

A new model object expects a loss layer and an optimizer and with them create a model.

loss = MSE("mse_loss")
sgd_optimizer = SGD(alpha=0.1)
model = Model(name="mnist_test", 
  1. The architecture we'll follow is INPUT[64] -> HIDDEN1[32] -> SIGMOID -> HIDDEN[10] -> SIGMOID -> LOSS. Let's create and add the required layer objects.
model.add(Dense(n_in=64, n_out=32, name="dense1"))
model.add(Dense(n_in=32, n_out=10, name="dense2"))

The .add method of model will take a Layer object append it sequentially for execution.

  1. Start training with data.
for epoch in range(500):
    print("Epoch: {}".format(epoch))
    epoch_loss = [] 
    for start_idx in range(0, len(data), 25):

        ## batching
        end_idx = min(len(data), start_idx + 25)
        batch_x = data[start_idx:end_idx, :] 
        batch_y = target[start_idx:end_idx, :]

        ## forward --> loss --> backward
        batch_loss = model.do_loss(batch_y)


    print("Loss: {}".format(sum(epoch_loss)/len(epoch_loss)))
  1. Get predictions and accuracy
data_test, target_test = data[:200], target[:200] 
y_preds = model.do_forward(data_test) 
target_test = np.argmax(target_test, axis=1)
y_preds     = np.argmax(y_preds, axis=1) 

How it works

Every layer object is required to have defined the following methods.

class AbstractLayer(object):
    """Abstract class for layers."""

    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def forward(self, x):

    def backward(self, current_error):

    def return_weights(self):

    def return_grads(self):

    def weights_iter(self):

    def grads_iter(self):

    def set_weights(self):

After declaring a model, model.do_forward(x) runs a forward pass with x as input. Since this is a sequential model, it will call the .forward(x) method for every layer in the order of addition. Here's the code for model.do_forward(x)

def do_forward(self, x):
    self.batch_size = x.shape[0] * 1.0

    mlimit = len(self.layers) - 1
    for ix, lname in enumerate(self.sequence):
        layer = self.layers[lname]
        y = layer.forward(x)
        if ix==mlimit:
        x = y
	self.output = y
    return self.output

You are then required to explicitly calculate the loss since model.do_forward(x) will only update the model with the output of the final layer BEFORE the loss_layer. With the loss calculated, you can run model.do_backward() to start the backward pass. Again, the model will call every layer's .backward(current_error) in reverse order. Concretely

def do_backward(self):
    del_error = self.loss_grad
    for ix, lname in list(enumerate(self.sequence))[::-1]:
        del_error = self.layers[lname].backward(del_error)


This will update the gradient placeholders for every layer. To update the weights using an optimizer, call model.do_update(). Internally, that method will call model.optimizer.update(). The SGD optimizer then updates the model weights using the layer.set_weights(args) as follows

class SGD(object):
    Stochastic Gradient Descent optimiser.

    def __init__(self, alpha=0.001, name="opt_sgd"):
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.name = name
        self.counter = 0

    def update(self, model):
        assert isinstance(model, Model)

        for lname, layer in model.layers.iteritems():
            weights = layer.return_weights()
            grads = layer.return_grads()

            if weights is None:

            for w, g in itertools.izip(weights, grads):
                assert w.shape == g.shape, "weights and grads shape do not match during update"
                w -= g * self.alpha


        self.counter += 1

The complete example is in ./mnist_test.py.

In progress

  • Testing neural_sack.backward
  • Gradient checking and integration for neural_sack.backward

You can visit our Trello board: transduction-ftw for more details.


To add a new layer, be sure to make it conform with the ./ltt/layers/abstract_layer.py. You can refer to ./ltt/layers/dense.py. To add a new memory construct, make sure it has a forward and backward pass since it will be one of the intermeidate layers in the model. Fork, raise a PR and add @akshaychawla or @priyamtejaswin for reviewing.