
100daysofcode challenge based on Angela Yu's course in Python .This is an ongoing project

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Welcome to my 100daysofcode challenge based on Angela Yu's 100 days of code in Python course.

In each day's challenge,inside every exercise done,you can find theory and concepts described in the first part and program implemented below that.

Project covers all concepts done that day

Also included are different ways of implementation and mistakes I made while coding.

Please feel free to point out any mistakes and suggestions.

OVERALL CONCEPTS: printing,debugging,string manipulation,comment and uncomment(ctrl+/),input,variables

1-1: print,single and double quotes

1-2: debugging,string manipulation,\n for new line

1-3: comment,input,len() for length of string

1-4: switch 2 variable values

1-5: Project:band name generator
OVERALL CONCEPTS: Data types,type conversion/type casting,operators,number manipulation,f-strings

2-1: Datatypes(str subscript),type,type conversion/type casting

2-2: Mathematical operators(PEMDASLR),BMI calculator program

2-3: Number manipulation(//,shorthand),f-string,Life in weeks program

2-4: Project:Tip calculator(also used round() function)
OVERALL CONCEPTS: Conditional statements,logical operator,code blocks,scope

3-1: Control flow with if else(conditional statement),Comparison operators,Odd or Even program

3-2: Nested if and elif,BMI calc 2.0 program

3-3: leap year

3-4: Multiple if statements,Pizza order program

3-5: Logical operators,Love calculator program(also used lists,count(),lower())

3-6: Project:Treasure island
OVERALL CONCEPTS: Randomization,lists,nested lists

4-1: random,our own modules,Coin toss program

4-2: Lists ,offsets(index),append,extend,remove,pop,Banker Roulette program(also str.split(","),random.choice())

4-3: IndexError,Dirty dozen program(made using nested lists),Treasure Map program

4-4: Project:Rock,Paper,Scissors

my_mod:Creating our own module with value of pi to be used in 4-1.

5-1: for loops and lists,Average Height program(used loops,sum())

5-2: for loop and lists,Maximum Height program

5-3: for loop with range function,Sum of Even numbers program

5-4: Fizzbuzz program (nice challenge)

5-5: Project:Pypassword generator(also used random.shuffle())
OVERALL: functions,code blocks,indentations,while loops

6-1.md: Functions,Practice(5 tasks),Reeborg Hurdles challenge 1 link

6-1.py: Reeborg Hurdles Challenge 1 solution

6-2.md: Indentation,while loop,while vs for loop,Reeborg Hurdles Challenge 2 link

6-2.py:Reeborg Hurdles Challenge 2 solution

6-3.md:Reeborg Hurdles Challenge 3 link

6-3.py: Reeborg Hurdles Challenge 3 solution

6-4.md: Reeborg Hurdles Challenge 4 link(variable heights)[TOUGH]

6-4.py: Reeborg Hurdles Challenge 4 solution

6-5.md: Project: Reeborg Lost in Maze link[TOUGH]

6-5.py: Project: Reeborg Maze solution
OVERALL:Hangman game(uses for and while loops,if-else,lists,string,range())

README.md:Has description of each step,repls to fork 

7-1:Steps 1[Picking random words,checking answers](used random)

7-2:Step 2[replacing blanks with guesses](used for loop with range)

7-3:Step 3[checking if player has won](used loops,in keyword)

7-4:Step 4[keeping track of hangman's lives](also used ' '.join(list) to convert list to string)

7-5:Step 5[Improving user experience](importing modules hangman_words.py and hangman_art.py)
OVERALL:Functions with inputs-Arguments and parameters,Caesar Cipher

README.md:Has theory of functions and links to exercises and Caesar cipher 

8-1.py:Paint Area Exercise(also used math.ceil())

8-2.py:Prime Number Checker(count,boolean flag)

8-3.py:Project:Caesar Cipher-part 1(also used for loop through string,index(),chr(),ord())

8-4.py:Project:Caesar Cipher-part 2

8-5.py:Project:Caesar cipher-part 3

8-6.py:Project:Caesar cipher-part 4
OVERALL:Dictionaries,nesting and secret auction

README.md: Theory,links to exercises

9-1.py:The Grading program(using dictionary)

9-2.py:Travel log(using nested dictionaries in list)

9-3.py:Project :Secret(blind)auction 
OVERALL:Functions with outputs,Calculator.

README.md:links to theory,2 tasks,1 exercise and project

task1.py:Convert strings to title case

task2.py:error check and user inputs in task 1

10-1.py:Days in month

10-2.py:Project calculator part 1:Using Functions and if else 

10-3.py:Project calculator part 2:using functions and dictionary

10-4.py:Project calculator part 3:adding logo and while loops
OVERALL:Blackjack Capstone Project

README.md:Describes project and gives required links

11-1.py:Blackjack project

11-2.py:Blackjack casino(tougher than 11-1)
OVERALL:Local and Global Scope,modifying global variable,constants and global scope

12-1.py:Local and Global Scope,examples

12-2.py:Block scope in python?,two examples

12-3.py:How to modify global variable?

12-4.py:Python constants and global scope

12-5.py:Project:Number Guessing Game
  • for 12-5.py,create your ascii art logo from here
OVERALL:Debugging,how to find and fix errors in code

README.md:Steps to solve errors and 3 exercises to test
OVERALL:Higher Lower Game project

README.md:Describes game,links given

14-1.py:Higher Lower Game(also added way to clear screen)
OVERALL:coffee machine project


15-1.py:Coffee machine original solution

15-2.py:Coffee machine project(my version,slightly modified)
OVERALL:Object oriented programming(OOP),turtle,packages and Pypi,Cofee machine program with OOP

README.md:All links 

OOPtheory.md:Has basic theory about OOP

OOPreference.md:reference to all OOP concepts in detail


1.OOPpractice1.py:practice OOP concept

2.Turtle:README.md(describes turtle module)16-1.py,16-2.py

3.Packages and PypI:README.md(description),16-3.py

Project:Coffee machine project(15-1) made using OOP
OVERALL:creating our own class,Quiz project

theory.md:creating our own class,object,setting attributes,constructors and creating methods of class

Project:Quiz game
OVERALL:Turtle graphics,Tuples,importing Modules

18-1.py:Making a square

18-2.py:dashes line

18-3.py:drawing different shapes

18-4.py:random walk(used different pen colour,pen width)

18-5.py:spirograph(used rgb values)


part1-used colorgram,colorpicker,learnt about Tuples

part 2-used turtle colormode
OVERALL:More Turtle graphics,Event listeners,state and multiple instances

19-1:Event listeners,higher order functions,Etch a sketch

19-2:Object state and instances,Turtle Race
OVERALL:Build the snake game part 1(Animation coordinates)

step1:set screen and build snake body

Step 2:move snake,use tracer,update methods,time module

step 3:snake class

step 4:control using keyboard
OVERALL:Inheritance,list and tuple slicing,Snake Game part 2
OVERALL:Turtle crossing Capstone

1.Improving Snake Game

2.practising how to use files

3.Mail merger project
OVERALL:Working with CSV Data and Panda Library,US States Guessing Game

1.Introduction:learning about csv files and Panda library

2.Exercise:Analysing squirrels from Central Park Squirrels csv file

3.Project:Making a US States guessing game

4.Project 2:Spanish to English Quiz
OVERALL:List and dictionary comprehension,NATO alphabet phonetic game
OVERALL:Tkinter,Tkinter and classes,args,kwargs,GUI programs
OVERALL:Tkinter,Digital clock GUI(used strftime()),Dynamic typing,Pomodoro GUI application
OVERALL:Building a Password Manager GUI App with Tkinter
OVERALL:Errors,Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password
OVERALL:Flash Card App Capstone Project
OVERALL:Send Email(smtplib) and Manage Dates(datetime)
OVERALL:API Endpoints and API Parameters
OVERALL:API Practice-Creating a GUI Quiz App and type hints in python
OVERALL:Keys,Authentication,Environment variables

Exercises:OpenWeather API,Check if raining,Python slice
OVERALL:Stock Trading News Alert Project
OVERALL:Habit tracking Project,API post requests and Headers,formatting datetime
OVERALL:Workout Tracking using Google sheets and using dotenv to store Environment variables.
OVERALL: Capstone Part 1 Flight Deal Finder(using sheety API,kiwi API and twilio API)
OVERALL: Capstone part 2 Flight Club
OVERALL:Web foundation:Introduction to HTML
OVERALL:Web foundation:Intermediate HTML(Tables,forms)
OVERALL:Web Foundation:Introduction to CSS  
OVERALL:Web Foundation:Intermediate CSS 
OVERALL:Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup,List of top 100 Movies
OVERALL:Spotify Music Time Machine
OVERALL:Automated Amazon price tracker
OVERALL:Selenium webdriver and game playing bot
OVERALL:Job automation Linked-in
OVERALL:Auto Tinder Swiping bot
OVERALL:Internet Speed Twitter Complain bot
OVERALL:Instagram follower bot
OVERALL:Web scraping Capstone:Data entry job automation
OVERALL:Introduction to Backend web development(Flask),first class functions,decorators,__name__ and __main__
OVERALL:HTML and URL parsing in Flask and Higher Lower Game
OVERALL:Rendering HTMLStatic Files and using website templates
OVERALL:Templating with Jinja in Flask applications
OVERALL:Web Foundation Bootstrap
OVERALL:Blog Project part 2-adding styling(part 1 done on Day 57)
OVERALL:Make POST requests with Flask and HTML Forms
OVERALL: Building advanced forms using WTForms
OVERALL: Coffee and Wifi Project, using virtualenv,WTForms,Bootstrap-Flask and csv
OVERALL: Library project,sqlite3,SQLAlchemy,dynamic routing in Flask
OVERALL: Movies Database,sqlite3,SQLAlchemy,API
OVERALL: Building Cafe API
OVERALL: Upgraded Blog
OVERALL: Flask Authentication

OVERALL: Data Exploration with pandas

OVERALL: Advanced Data visualization with Matplotlib

OVERALL: Aggregate and merge data with pandas and analyze LEGO dataset

OVERALL: Google Trends Data visualization

OVERALL: Beautiful Plotly Charts and Android App Store

OVERALL: Computation with Numpy and Image analysis with scipy and PLT

OVERALL: Advanced Linear Regression and Data visualisation using Seaborn

OVERALL: Advanced Linear Regression and Data visualisation using Seaborn

OVERALL: Analysing Nobel Prize with Plotly,matplotlib and Seaborn

OVERALL: Tragic Discovery of Handwashing, t-Tests and Distributions

OVERALL: Multivariable regression

OVERALL: Assignment 1 - Text to morse converter

OVERALL: Assignment 2 - Personal Portfolio Project

OVERALL: Assignment 3 - Tic-tac-toe

OVERALL: Assignment 4 - Image Watermarking Desktop App

OVERALL: Assignment 5 - Typing Speed Test

OVERALL: Assignment 6 - Breakout game

OVERALL: Assignment 7 - Cafe and Wifi website.

OVERALL: Assignment 8 - To Do List Website

OVERALL: Assignment 9 - Disappearing Text Writing App

OVERALL: Assignment 10 - Text to Speech App

OVERALL: Assignment 10 -Image Color Palette Generator