
An Android Application for anlyzing your overall coding performance on various coding platforms like Hackerrank, Hackerearth, Codechef, etc. Also an interface to provide self coding assistant facility.

  • CodeStalk,helps user to keep track and analyse his/her progress in coding and sport programming in various domains. CodeStalk will provide various pie-charts, line graphs, bar graphs to analyse this progress. It will also provide you weekly and monthly progress update.
  • In addition to this, CodeStalk provides the feature of complete real-time list of worldwide upcoming coding contests on various platforms.
  • CodeStalk also provides a technical forum known as Tech-Forum, where all the users can discuss various technical topics related to latest technologies in Computer Science and IT.

Technology Stack

  • Platform : Android
  • Engine : Android Studio 3.0.1
  • UI Development : Android-XML
  • Data Processing : Android-JAVA
  • Database : Firebase
