
A pyspark script to find the states in US with stable weather

Primary LanguagePython

Finding states in US with stable temperature

The goal of the project is to find out which states in the US have the most stable temperature.


Use the package manager pip to install pyspark.

pip install pyspark

Executing the script

spark-submit main.py <locations_path> <recordings_path> <output_path>
Ex: spark-submit main.py "/tmp/usr/locations" "/tmp/usr/recordings" "/tmp/usr/output"

A note on the values for precipitation

A value of 99.99 means that there is no data. There is a letter at the end of the recordings. Here is what the letters mean (Basically the letter tells you how long the precipitation was accumulated before recording).

  • A - 6 hours worth of precipitation

  • B - 12 hours worth of precipitation

  • C - 18 hours worth of precipitation

  • D - 24 hours worth of precipitation

  • E - 12 hours (slightly different from B but the same for this project).

  • F - 24 hours (slightly different from D but the same for this project).

  • G - 24 hours (slightly different from D but the same for this project).

  • H - station recorded a 0 for the day (although there was some recorded instance of precipitation).

  • I - station recorded a 0 for the day (and there was NO recorded instance of precipitation).


  • First, we read the locations file from the locations folder and ignore the records with missing STATE values and where CTRY is not "US".
  • Then we read the recordings folder, filter the multiple headers and extract the necessary columns. The two dataframes are converted into views. Precipitation values are extrapolated to 24hours worth of precipitation
  • These two views are then joined on USAF column and the average precipitation and temperature values are calculated for each state by grouping on STATE and MONTH. Precipitation values with 99.99 are ignored (considered as null) while finding the average
  • The highest and lowest average temperature for each STATE are then obtained by using RANK and PARTITION BY
  • The difference between the highest and lowest average temperatures is calculated for each state and and the output is written to a csv file in increasing order of difference

Detailed Description

1. Creating a Spark Session

First, we create a SparkSession and set the master as local to run locally.

spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local").appName('CS235').getOrCreate()

2. Reading locations

  • The locations file is read from the locations folder into a dataframe.
  • All the records with missing STATE value and where CTRY is not 'US' are ignored.
  • A view locations_vw is created from the resulting dataframe.

3. Reading recordings

  • The recordings are read from the recordings folder into a dataframe and the headers are filtered by checking if a row contains STN--.
  • Multiple spaces in the row is replaced by a single space so that the rows can be split easily into columns.
  • USAF, WBAN, TEMP, MONTH, PRCP fields are extracted from the value column by splitting using the single space delimiter.
  • The last letter from PRCP value is extracted and the value of the precipitation is calculated using a user defined function calc_prec.
  • For example if the last letter of PRCP is A, then the value is multiplied by 4 to extrapolate 24 hours worth of precipitation. The values are calculated for other letters similarly
  • MONTH is extracted from YEARMODA using substr.
  • The value column is finally dropped and a view recordings_vw is created from the dataframe.

4. Finding the average temperature and precipitation for each month

  • The two views locations_vw and readings_vw are then joined on USAF column and grouped by STATE, MONTH to calculate the average temperature and average precipitation for each month. - The result is then stored in state_month_vw view.
  • Precipitation values with 99.99 are ignored(considered as null in calculation).

5. Finding months with the highest and lowest averages for each state

  • The months with the highest and lowest average temperature for each state are obtained from state_month_vw by ranking the average temperature within a state partition ordered by the average temperature using RANK and PARTITION BY.
  • We then filter and obtain the highest and lowest average temperature for each state.
  • The result is stored in a dataframe state_month_avg_df.

6. Getting month name

  • A user defined function get_month has been defined to get the name of the month using month number

7. Outputting the Result

  • The highest and the lowest average temperatures and their corresponding months are collected into a list using aggregation method collect_list by grouping on STATE.
  • Average precipitation for two months is also calculated and rounded to two decimals.
  • The highest and the lowest average temperatures are rounded to two decimals and their corresponding months are concatented.
  • The difference between the highest and lowest average temperatures is calculated
  • The values of state, highest average temperature and month, lowest average temperature and month, difference and average precipitation are output to a single csv file in the output folder in increasing order of difference using coalesce to merge the partitions.