Beginner friendly repo

Who can contribute to this repo ?

  • It's intended for beginners, but anyone who is interested can contribute.

How to contribute ?

  • Few issues will be created, contributors must provide solutions to them and open up a PR(pull request).
  • The "rookie" or "naive" contributions are acceptable but spammy and invalid aren't.
  • Since it's a beginner friendly repo, beginner contributors should attempt to work on it.
  • It'll be fine, if the solutions are bit rough. Contributors will be informed about their appraoch.

This repository has the "hacktoberfest" tag on it, which indicates that this repo has taken part in Hacktoberfest. Issues opened will also have "hactoberfest" label on them.

The contributors are required to submit meaningful PR's
If the PR provides a solution for a particular issue(marked with "hacktoberfest" label) then that PR will be accepted and will be marked with a label of "hacktoberfest-accepted".

Getting started


  • The extension of the file can be of any Programming Language. This means solution can be implemented in any Programming Language
  • Put your solution in a folder. And the name of the folder should be the name of the algorithm
  • While opening your PR, name your PR as name of the algorithm and programming language used

Let's start by forking this repository
[ Forking or Fork means cloning or copying someones's repository into your own account ]

  • Click on the fork button on the top right corner of the repository.
  • After clicking on the button, a dialog box should appear, leave everything to default and press on proceed.
  • After all this, you have successfully forked this repository.

Now let's clone the forked repository into your local working directory.

  • Open up your terminal or git bash or git CMD.
  • Now run the command.
    git clone
  • Run ls or dir to list this cloned repository, you should be able to see Algorithms
  • Now type cd Algorithms. You should now be inside this cloned repository.

From now on we'll be calling the cloned repository as directory.

  • Run ls to see all the contents of the directory.
  • Now run git checkout -b (branch name). You are now on branch name branch
  • Now create a good solution.
  • After doing everything, run git status. This will show you all the files you have changed with all the modifications.
  • Now we need to put our changes to 2nd step, i.e we have to acknowledge our changes by
  • git add .

This will acknowledge all the files we have changed.

  • git add <name of the file>

This will only acknowledge the file or files which we have specified.

  • Now we have to accept out changes by commiting the changes
  • git commit -m "-m is just a flag to give a statement, just like this one, which means this statement can be anything!"

Well now you did changes, you acknowledged those changes and even accepted those changes.
The changes are only known by us, but the upstream url i.e the place where we forked this directory from doesn't know about any of the changes we made.

  • Now run git push origin [Branch Name]

The [Branch Name] is the name of the branch which we are at right now

  • To check which branch we are at currently, run git branch
    we should now see all the branches and the branch which we're at, will have *
  • Let's go to our repository on the GitHub and we should see a button “Compare & pull request” and click it.

Congratulations, you have successfully opened a PR.
The PR will get accepted if you have provided the feasible solution.

Thank you so much! Keep learning and growing. Enjoy to the fullest