

This repo presents 3 modules covering different techniques of abstractive Summarization. The PointerGenerator directory covers our implementation of the basic approach for Abstrative Summarization on top of which the other two modules are built(GetToThePoint and Query Based Abstractive Summarization). The latter two models, whose results we compare as a part of our analysis, are trained on the CNN dataset availalbe at Installation and steps to run each of the modules is explained in the sections below.

Directory Structure

│   report.pdf   
│   │   querysum
│   │   querysum-data
│   │   GEN_SUM
│   │   DATA
│   │   VOCAB
│   │   glove.6B
│   │   OUTPUT
│   │
│   └───GEN_SUM
│       │   attention_softmax
│       │   output_probablities
│       │   summaries
|   │   test_output
|   |
│   └───test_output/test_output
│       │   articles
│       │   pointer-gen
│       │   pointer-gen-cov
│       │   reference
|   │
|   │   files2rogue/
|   │   OpenNMT-py/
|   │   data/
|   |
│   └───OpenNMT-py/
│   |   │
│   |   │
│   |   │
|   |   |   requirements.txt
|   |      
│   └───data/gigaword
│       │   Giga
│       │   train

PointerGenerator Model - Introduction

This module presents our code architechture on top of which the other two models are based. We use the OpenNMT to implement our seq2seq model. These mdoels infact close to the current state-of-the-art ones. We use OpenNMT-py, a Pytorch port of OpenNMT, to train a baseline model on the Gigaword summarization dataset. It is worthwhile to note that our implementation is same as the the baseline model presented by the paper Get To The Point.

PointerGenerator Model - Installation

$ pip3 install torch==0.4.1
$ pip install -U git+
$ git clone
$ cd NLP_Project/PointerGenerator/OpenNMT-py
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

PointerGenerator Model - Download Dataset

For training this model, we use the Gigaword dataset, which can be found here, After downloading and extractinf the files, place the extracted folder in a data/gigaword sundirectory inside your PointerGenerator directory(The final directory structure is shown in the Directory Structure section)

PointerGenerator Model - Data Cleaning

Unfortunately, the Gigaword dataset does contains a special token, , inside the train and validation sets, and it also expects models to output in the predicted summaries. Moreover, is inconsistent with what is used in the test set — UNK.

We run some simple bash scripts to replace with UNK. Make sure you are inside the PointerGenerator directory.

$ sed 's/<unk>/UNK/g' data/gigaword/train/train.article.txt > data/gigaword/train/train.article.cleaned.txt
$ sed 's/<unk>/UNK/g' data/gigaword/train/train.title.txt > data/gigaword/train/train.title.cleaned.txt
$ sed 's/<unk>/UNK/g' data/gigaword/train/valid.article.filter.txt > data/gigaword/train/valid.article.filter.cleaned.txt
$ sed 's/<unk>/UNK/g' data/gigaword/train/valid.title.filter.txt > data/gigaword/train/valid.title.filter.cleaned.txt

Test dataset contains some lines which only have the token -- UNK. We remove these by running a simple python script


PointerGenerator Model - Preprocessing the Data

We need to let OpenNMT-py scan the raw texts, build a vocabulary, tokenize and truncate the texts if necessary, and finally save the results to the disk.

Pick a shard_size(The higher the requested size is, the more accurate the results will be, but also, the more expensive it will be to compute the final results that works with your local memory.) That mainly affects the training process. I’ve found that it does not affect the preprocessing process, as larger datasets can quickly make the system out of memory regardless of the value of shared_size.

$ python3 OpenNMT-py/ \
 -train_src data/gigaword/train/train.article.cleaned.txt \
 -train_tgt data/gigaword/train/train.title.cleaned.txt \
 -valid_src data/gigaword/train/valid.article.filter.cleaned.txt \
 -valid_tgt data/gigaword/train/valid.title.filter.cleaned.txt \
 -save_data data/gigaword/PREPROCESSED \
 -src_seq_length 10000 \
 -dynamic_dict \
 -share_vocab \
 -shard_size 200000

PointerGenerator Model - Training the Model

Execute the following command to train the model. I've used the paramters as mentioned below. We set the decay rate very high to converge quickly as we had limited time and resources.

$ python3 -u OpenNMT-py/ \
 -save_model data/gigaword/models_v2/ \
 -data data/gigaword/PREPROCESSED \
 -copy_attn \
 -global_attention mlp \
 -word_vec_size 128 \
 -rnn_size 512 \
 -layers 2 \
 -encoder_type brnn \
 -train_steps 2000000 \
 -report_every 100 \
 -valid_steps 10000 \
 -valid_batch_size 32 \
 -max_generator_batches 128 \
 -save_checkpoint_steps 10000 \
 -max_grad_norm 2 \
 -dropout 0.1 \
 -batch_size 16 \
 -optim adagrad \
 -learning_rate 0.15 \
 -start_decay_steps 100000 \
 -decay_steps 50000 \
 -adagrad_accumulator_init 0.1 \
 -reuse_copy_attn \
 -copy_loss_by_seqlength \
 -bridge \
 -seed 919 \
 -gpu_ranks 0 \
 -log_file train.v2.log

PointerGenerator Model - Summarize Test Documents

Finally, we run our trained model on the test documents. The arguments can be understood in detail from the [offical documentation]

$ python OpenNMT-py/ -gpu 1 \
 -batch_size 1 \
 -beam_size 5 \
 -model data/gigaword/models_v2/ \
 -src data/gigaword/Giga/input_cleaned.txt \
 -share_vocab \
 -output data/gigaword/Giga/test.pred \
 -min_length 6 \
 -verbose \
 -stepwise_penalty \
 -coverage_penalty summary \
 -beta 5 \
 -length_penalty wu \
 -alpha 0.9 \
 -block_ngram_repeat 3 \
 -ignore_when_blocking "." \

PointerGenerator Model - Evaluation

Calcuating Rogue scores. Execute this command in your terminal.

$ files2rouge data/gigaword/Giga/test.pred data/gigaword/Giga/task1_ref0_cleaned.txt > eval.v2.log

GetToThePoint Model - Introduction

Pointer Generator Models do much better in comparison to the previous ones, but one major problem with the generated summaries is repitition. To solve this problem we use the concept of coverage to keep a track of what has been summarized. This pointer-generator network is a hybrid between the baseline and a pointer network, as it allows both copying words via pointing, and generating words from a fixed vocabulary.

Query_Based_RNN Model - Introduction

The model is a seq2seq one with attention and a pointer mechanism, making it a pointer-generator model. The input for the problem is a document and a query. These are sequences of words passed to a document encoder and a query encoder respectively. The en-coders’ outputs are then passed to the attentivedecoder, which generates a summary. Both en-coders, as well as the decoder, use RNNs with GRUs(each having different weights and biases).

Query_Based_RNN Model - Installation

$ pip3 install nltk
$ pip3 install --user --upgrade tensorflow

Query_Based_RNN Model - Dataset Generation

This model is trained on the CNN dataset which can be found here Both Questions and Stories need to be downloaded. Extract the two files and place them inside the Query_Based_RNN folder. Download and extract the glove embeddings from and place the extracted folder in the Query_Based_RNN as well. We use the 100d embeddings. The final directory structure is again given in the Directory Structure section. We already provide the generated vocabularies built(using python3 in the VOCAB folder.

$ mkdir DATA
$ python3 querysum-data/ \
    ./cnn_stories \
    ./cnn_questions \

Query_Based_RNN Model - Training

We stopped the training process at 93.4% of the first epoch due to time constraints. We set a high enough decay rate and so expect that the model was atleast somewhat near convergence. Because of the possible drop in accuracy, we present our observations(see report) from the sample sentences from the actual model as well.

$ python3 querysum/ \
    glove.6B/glove.6B.100d.txt \
    VOCAB \
    --mode train \
    --logdir DATA \
    --training_dir <path to training set root directory> \
    --validation_dir <path to validation set root directory> \
    --batch_size <the batch size, 30 by default>

Query_Based_RNN Model - Generating Summaries

$ python3 querysum/ \
    ./glove.6B/glove.6B.100d.txt \
    ./VOCAB \
    --mode decode \
    --logdir DATA \
    --decode_dir <path to dataset directory, containing documents and queries, to generate summaries for> \
    --decode_out_dir ./OUTPUT


Abstractive Summarization :

  • Abigail See, Peter J. Liu and Christopher D. Manning. Get To The Point: Summarization with Pointer-Generator Networks. (implemented for generic summarisation)
  • Xinyu Hua, Lu Wang. A Pilot Study of Domain Adaptation Effect for Neural Abstractive Summarization
  • Angela Fan, David Grangier, Michael Auli. Controllable Abstractive Summarization
  • Linqing Liu, Yao Lu, Min Yang, Qiang Qu, Jia Zhu, Hongyan Li. Generative Adversarial Network for Abstractive Text Summarization

Query Focused Summarisation :

  • Tal Baumel, Matan Eyal, Michael Elhadad. Query Focused Abstractive Summarization: Incorporating Query Relevance, Multi-Document Coverage, and Summary Length Constraints into seq2seq Models
  • (Paper used for paper presentation) Johan Hasselqvist, Niklas Helmertz, Mikael Kågebäck. Query-Based Abstractive Summarization Using Neural Networks. Link to the paper (implemented for query focused summarisation)