
Art Club website at IIIT-H

Primary LanguagePython

Art Society

Art society was started in the summer of 2017 and hosted its first event in the monsoon 2017.

How to contribute


  • No dev PRs against master branch. All dev pull requests should be raised against develop or custom branches only.
  • design branch contains all the design discussions only.
  • Every PR needs at least 1 peer approval before it can be merged.
  • Use meaningful commit messages

Forking the repo

Fork the repo

  1. Clone the repo:
git clone <url of forked repo>
  1. Set upstream(new remote) to base repo so that you can keep your fork updated:
git remote add upstream https://github.com/OSDG-IIITH/art-club-website
  1. Everytime you want to pull changes from base repo:
git pull upstream <branch-name>

Submitting a pull request

  • TODO


  • TODO

Instructions to run

  • TODO

Instructions to run

Activate virtual environment

cd src
source venv/bin/activate

Generate requirements file

pip3 freeze > requirements

Activate server

python3 manage.py runserver

Backend - Django


Every time there is a change in the models, they need to be reflected to the database by running migrations.

python manage.py makemigrations backend
python manage.py migrate

Enabling/Disabling browseable API

Uncomment/Comment (respectively) the following lines in django_react/settings.py



Make sure you're in the correct directory:

cd src

Running Tests:

coverage run --source='.' manage.py test

and generate the report:

coverage html

You'll see exactly what to test. If you prefer seeing the report on the command line run:

coverage report