The report is added for clarity -
Summarized vis about COVID-19 outbreak in India
- Python3
- json
- pandas
- numpy
- plotly
- dash
- dash_core_components
- dash_html_components
- dash_bootstrap_components
- dash.dependencies
- go into TASK1 folder:
cd TASK1
- run the dash app:
and you should see the visualization atlocalhost:8050
- Python 3
- Plotly express
Covid and International Arrival data preprocessing is not included - due to volume
PCA and tSNE baseline Final.ipynb - Shows the state level cluster analytics and visualization of varying infection rate against import features PCA and tSNE baseline with VBM.ipynb - Similar study - along with additional data on International arrival
streamgraph process.ipynb - Data Processing for Stacked Area Chart , actual visualization done on "Flourish Studio"
Related .csv files are in data/ - Please change the current folder accordingly
Text_sentiment - Python file is used for Text Sentiment analysis and related visualization
Related .csv files are in data/ - Please change the current folder accordingly