
A python package to create flask project with svelte frontend.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Flask-Svelte Documentation

Welcome to Flask-Svelte, a python package that integrates Svelte with Flask. This integration brings together the best of both worlds: Svelte's reactive frontend capabilities and Flask's robust backend, providing a seamless experience for web application development.

Note: This package is still in development. The API is subject to change.

Key Features

  • Svelte Integration with Flask: Effortlessly serve Svelte templates as dynamic components within Flask applications.
  • Automatic Live Reloading: Implement livereload for instant browser updates when templates are modified.
  • Simplified Project Management: Utilize the CLI for effortless project setup and template handling.
  • Use Python data in Svelte: The render_template function extends Flask's capability, allowing direct data integration into Svelte templates for dynamic content rendering.
  • Tailwind CSS Preinstalled: Comes with Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development, preconfigured and ready to use.

Getting Started

Installation and Project Setup

  1. Prerequisites: Install Node.js and Python.
  2. Install Flask-Svelte:
    pip install flask-svelte
  3. Create a New Project:
    flask-svelte create <project_name>
  4. Navigate to the Project Directory:
    cd <project_name>
  5. Install JavaScript Dependencies:
    npm install

Development Workflow

  • Start Development Server:
    npm run dev
  • Add New Svelte Templates:
    flask-svelte add-page <template_name>
    Generates Svelte files in svelte/<template_name>. Edit them and see the changes in the browser. Note: The npm run dev command must be restarted for new templates to be recognized.

Important Usage Notes

  1. Production Build: Use npm run build for deployment readiness. Post-build, the svelte directory is optional.
  2. Data Integration in Templates: Replace flask.render_template with flask_svelte.render_template for enhanced data passing. Example:
    from flask_svelte import render_template
    from app import app
    def index():
        return render_template('index.html', name='World')
  3. Accessing Data in Svelte: Retrieve Flask-passed data in Svelte with {{ app.data["key"] }}. Example:
    <h1>Hello {{ app.data["name"] }}!</h1>

Enhanced Documentation

render_template Function

  • Purpose: Replaces Flask's render_template for integrating Python and JavaScript.
  • Usage: Passes variables and data from Flask to Svelte components for interactive web applications.

app.data Object

  • Functionality: Facilitates data transfer between Flask and Svelte.
  • Access in Svelte: Retrieve Flask data in Svelte templates via {{ app.data["key"] }}.

Command-Line Interface (CLI) Commands

  • Create a New Project:

    flask-svelte create <project_name>

    Sets up a new Flask-Svelte project environment.

  • Add a New Template:

    flask-svelte add-page <template_name>

    Adds a new Svelte template to your project, creating necessary files in svelte/<template_name>.