The website is dedicated to Alexa Development blogs.:computer:
Blogs are posted by the members of Alexa Community:people_holding_hands:, Jaipur.
The website stands on the MERN architecture.
You can find the front-end part within the client folder.
Before moving forward, make sure you are aware of the MERN stack and have the necessary libraries and packages installed.
React is built using the create-react-app package for your knowledge.
- If you want to start learning React go through the documentation
Follow these steps to run the website locally.
- Clone the repo using terminal, giving this command
git clone
. - Then type
cd alexa-community-jaipur
Before moving to the next steps, first put up the MONGO_DB_URI.
- Inside the config folder, add a file named devkeys.js.
- Add this code.
const MONGO_DB_URI =
module.exports = { MONGO_DB_URI };
- The above URI is just a sample. You will get a different URI when you connect your cluster to an application. It is advised you create new credentials and a new DB for working. You will then replace these details in the URI, namely < username >, < password > and < dbname >.
Now proceed forward:
- Now if you have nodemon installed then type
npm run dev
to start the development backend server. - You will see the server starts at your localhost, port 5000.
- Now open another terminal and browse to the same folder.
- Now type
cd client
to move into the client folder (React). - We will run the backend and frontend separately.
- Then type
npm run start
to begin the React local server. - Goto
, to see the website up and running. - You may have to change the the API Url to direct at the backend local port.
- Explanation on client-side is in this README
The repository is good for beginners to work on. Those 👨💻 who have recently learnt React and Web development and want to get their hands dirty with some cool open source projects are always welcome. We would love to see your creativity here.
The website requires a whole new fresher look. We would love to see your creativity and bring out the designer within you. You can spill your ideas using the Material UI library for React. We need designer who could create wireframes for the website.
The website has been enabled with automatic deployments on Heroku (See Environments) from the master branch, make sure you do not leave any critical merge conflicts whenever you leave a PR.
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We will get in touch with you.
Write us in issues section. We will try to solve your issue within 24 hours ⏳.
This project is published and maintained under MIT License