
Delployed Link:


"bcrypt": "^5.1.0",

"cors": "^2.8.5",

"cron": "^2.2.0",

"dotenv": "^16.0.3",

"express": "^4.18.2",

"jsonwebtoken": "^9.0.0",

"mongoose": "^7.0.1"


  • /user/register
  • /user/login
  • /events/
  • /events/details/:eventId
  • /events/joinevent/:eventId
  • /events/canceljoinrequest/:eventId
  • /events/mybookings
  • /events/create
  • /events/myevents
  • /events/myevents/details/:eventId
  • /events/myevents/acceptplayer/:eventId
  • /events/myevents/rejectplayer/:eventId

POST: /user/register

  • User with the same email can not register

headers.body*: {name, email, password}

return (on successful registration) =>

    {status:"success", msg:"regisration successful"} 

POST: /user/login

headers.body*: {email, password}

return (on successful Login) =>

    {status:"success", token:(JWT_Token)"} 

GET: /events/

headers.authorization* : Bearer ${token}

return (after token verification and request is successful)(sample output) =>

        "_id": "640b57c82260d251931e36a4",
        "organizerId": "640b47357e84f00e9519f727",
        "eventName": "Punjab Cricket Tournament",
        "gameName": "Cricket",
        "venue": "Stadium, near Bus Stand",
        "city": "Malerkotla",
        "totalPlayersAllowed": 5,
        "acceptedPlayers": 0,
        "totalPlayersApplied": 8,
        "eventDate": "2023-03-16T14:00:00.000Z",
        "__v": 0

GET: /events/details/:eventId

headers.authorization* : Bearer ${token}

:eventId*: in endpoint's params is the Id of event, user wants the info of the players who are joining the event

return (after token verification and request is successful)(sample output with players array(all players with request status accepted )) =>

        "_id": "640b57c82260d251931e36a4",
        "organizerId": "640b47357e84f00e9519f727",
        "eventName": "Punjab Cricket Tournament",
        "gameName": "Cricket",
        "venue": "Stadium, near Bus Stand",
        "city": "Malerkotla",
        "totalPlayersAllowed": 5,
        "acceptedPlayers": 0,
        "totalPlayersApplied": 8,
        "eventDate": "2023-03-16T14:00:00.000Z",
        "__v": 0
        "players": [
             "name": "Rohit Hans",
             "email": "",
            "status": "accepted"

POST: /events/joinevent/:eventId

  • User can apply to join an event

  • If already user have sent a join request, and his status is pending, accepted or rejected user can not send join request again

headers.authorization* : Bearer ${token}

:eventId*: in endpoint's params is the Id of event, user wants to join

return (if request is successful)(sample output) =>

        "msg": "Player's join request accepted successfully"

PATCH: /events/canceljoinrequest/:eventId

  • User can cancel the join request for an event

headers.authorization* : Bearer ${token}

:eventId*: in endpoint's params is the Id of event,for which user wants to cancel his join request

return (if request is successful)(sample output) =>

        "msg": "Player's join request cancelled successfully"

GET: /events/mybookings

  • User can get the information of the all events, user applied for, with the joining status

headers.authorization* : Bearer ${token}

return (if request is successful)(sample output) =>

        "status": "success",
        "myBookings": [
                "_id": "640c6587767ad69e40aa3a37",
                "userId": "640aefb4b1f99e277a0434f1",
                "eventId": "640b57c82260d251931e36a4",
                "playerStatus": "accepted",
                "eventName": "Punjab Cricket Tournament",
                "venue": "Stadium, near Bus Stand",
                "city": "Malerkotla",
                "eventDate": "2023-03-16T14:00:00.000Z",
                "totalPlayersAllowed": 5,
                "acceptedPlayers": 1

POST: /events/create

  • User can create his own events, and other players can apply to join the event

headers.authorization* : Bearer ${token}

headers.body*: { "eventName": "Punjab Cricket Tournament", "gameName": "Cricket", "venue": "Stadium, near Bus Stand", "city":"Malerkotla", "totalPlayersAllowed":5, "eventDate": "2023-03-11", "startTime":"19:46", "endTime":"19:50" }

return (if request is successful) =>

            "msg": "event created successfully"

GET: /events/myevents

  • User can get the information of the all events, user created.

headers.authorization* : Bearer ${token}

return (if request is successful)(sample output) =>

     "status": "success",
     "data": [
        "_id": "640df552455d515249ece55a",
        "organizerId": "640b47357e84f00e9519f727",
        "eventName": "Punjab Cricket Tournament",
        "gameName": "Cricket",
        "venue": "Stadium, near Bus Stand",
        "city": "Malerkotla",
        "totalPlayersAllowed": 5,
        "acceptedPlayers": 0,
        "totalPlayersApplied": 0,
        "eventDate": "2023-03-12T01:16:00.000Z",
        "__v": 0
        "_id": "640b57c82260d251931e36a4",
        "organizerId": "640b47357e84f00e9519f727",
        "eventName": "Punjab Cricket Tournament",
        "gameName": "Cricket",
        "venue": "Stadium, near Bus Stand",
        "city": "Malerkotla",
        "totalPlayersAllowed": 5,
        "acceptedPlayers": 1,
        "totalPlayersApplied": 10,
        "eventDate": "2023-03-16T14:00:00.000Z",
        "__v": 0

GET: /events/myevents/details/:eventId

  • user can get the info of the all players who have applied to the event, user created

headers.authorization* : Bearer ${token}

:eventId*: in endpoint's params is the Id of event

return (after token verification and request is successful)(sample output with players array(all players with their request status)) =>

            "status": "success",
            "data": {
            "_id": "640c8cdc05d425026558e5bf",
            "eventName": "Punjab Cricket Tournament",
            "gameName": "Cricket",
            "venue": "Stadium, near Bus Stand",
            "city": "Malerkotla",
            "totalPlayersAllowed": 5,
            "acceptedPlayers": 0,
            "totalPlayersApplied": 1,
            "eventDate": "2023-03-11T19:46:00.000Z",
            "users": [
                "_id": "640c8cef05d425026558e5c3",
                "userId": "640aefb4b1f99e277a0434f1",
                "playerStatus": "rejected",
                "name": "Rohit Hans",
                "email": ""

PATCH: /events/myevents/acceptplayer/:eventId

  • user(event organizer) can accept the join requst of the players who applied to join the event

headers.authorization* : Bearer ${token}

headers.body*: {playerId : (userId of the player)}

:eventId*: in endpoint's params is the Id of event

return (if request is successful) =>

    {msg:"Player's request accepted Successfully"}

PATCH: /events/myevents/rejectplayer/:eventId

  • user(event organizer) can reject the join requst of the players who applied to join the event

headers.authorization* : Bearer ${token}

headers.body*: {playerId : (userId of the player)}

:eventId*: in endpoint's params is the Id of event

return (if request is successful) =>

    {msg:"Player's request rejected Successfully"}