In this project i will deploy a three tier architecture.
Make sure you have the following installed:
- Kubernetes CLI (kubectl)
- Docker (if you're building Docker images)
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd deploy-three-tier-architecture
- Apply Kubernetes deployment files:
kubectl apply -f productcatalogue-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f shopfront-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f stockmanager-service.yaml
- Verify deployments, services, and pods:
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get services
kubectl get pods
Access the service:
- For Product Catalogue:
kubectl get service/productcatalogue
- For Shopfront:
kubectl get service/shopfront
- For Stock Manager:
kubectl get service/stockmanager
Accessing Services
Product Catalogue: http://<NodeIP>:<NodePort>
Shopfront: http://<NodeIP>:<NodePort>
Stockmanager: http://<NodeIP>:<NodePort>
- Shutting Down
- To shut down the resources:
kubectl delete -f productcatalogue-service.yaml
kubectl delete -f shopfront-service.yaml
kubectl delete -f stockmanager-service.yaml
- The project is based on the [ Java, Spring Boot, git, github, Docker, dockerHub, Docker-compose, Kubernetes, AWS, Terraform, CI/CD and Grafana ] technologies.
- The project is hosted on GitHub
- In the future i will ADD
- Terraform
- CI/CD[Jenkins]
- Grafana