Falcon Data Replicator

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CrowdStrike Falcon
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Falcon Data Replicator

Bandit Flake8 Python Lint CodeQL

The Falcon Data Replicator replicates log data from your CrowdStrike environment to a stand-alone target. This target can be a location on the file system, or a cloud storage bucket.

Currently AWS is the only cloud provider implemented.


  • Python 3.6+
  • boto3
  • CrowdStrike Falcon FDR credentials
  • CrowdStrike Falcon FDR SQS queue URL

Stand-alone solution


The falcon_data_replicator.ini file contains all of the parameters necessary to configure the solution for replication to the local file system and / or a storage bucket in AWS S3. After retrieving the AWS credentials and SQS queue details from your Falcon console, edit this file to reflect your environment.

Required parameters

The following parameters must be provided in order for the solution to operate.

  • AWS_KEY - AWS client ID provided to you by the CrowdStrike Falcon console
  • AWS_SECRET - AWS client secret provided to you by the CrowdStrike Falcon console
  • QUEUE_URL - AWS SQS queue URL provided to you by the CrowdStrike Falcon console
  • OUTPUT_PATH - File path where downloaded files will be stored, not used for in-memory transfers
  • VISIBILITY_TIMEOUT - Time in seconds before a message is returned back to the SQS queue
  • REGION_NAME - The name of the AWS region where your CrowdStrike SQS queue resides
  • MESSAGE_DELAY - The time in seconds to wait in between the processing of each message
  • QUEUE_DELAY - The time in seconds to wait before each check of the queue for more messages
  • LOG_FILE - The name and path of the the log file

Destination parameters

The following parameters configure our destination details. If not these parameters are not present, upload to our bucket is skipped and the local files are retained after download.

  • TARGET_BUCKET - The name of the AWS bucket we will use for our target destination
  • TARGET_REGION - The name of the AWS region our target bucket resides within
  • REMOVE_LOCAL_FILE - Boolean representing whether or not to remove local files after they are uploaded
  • IN_MEMORY_TRANSFER_ONLY - Transfer the file from the source bucket to the destination bucket without storing the file on the local file system.

Running the solution

After updating the configuration file to reflect your environment specifics, you can run this solution using:

python3 falcon_data_replicator.py

If your configuration file is not present in the same directory as the application file, you can reference this path using the -f or --config_file command line parameters.

python3 falcon_data_replicator.py -f some_path/falcon_data_replicator.ini


Coming soon