
We are going to create a BankAccount class. This class will recreate some of the common account transactions that normally occur for a bank account such as displaying your account number, checking and savings amount, total amount. Of course, there are also methods to invoke, such as depositing a check, checking your balance, withdrawing money.


  • Practice member variables
  • Practice instance methods and getter and setters
  • Implement static variables and methods.


  • Create a BankAccount class.
  • The class should have the following attributes: (string) account number, (double) checking balance, (double) savings balance.
  • Create a class member (static) that has the number of accounts created thus far.
  • Create a class member (static) that tracks the total amount of money stored in every account created.
  • Create a private method that returns a random ten digit account number.
  • In the constructor, call the private method from above so that each user has a random ten digit account.
  • In the constructor, be sure to increment the account count.
  • Create a getter method for the user's checking account balance.
  • Create a getter method for the user's saving account balance.
  • Create a method that will allow a user to deposit money into either the checking or saving, be sure to add to total amount stored.
  • Create a method to withdraw money from one balance. Do not allow them to withdraw money if there are insufficient funds.
  • Create a method to see the total money from the checking and saving.
  • Users should not be able to set any of the attributes from the class.