User-Authentication using JWT
User Authentication using Traditional Approach
Stores the session in DB and generates
Session ID
for each session of the User (sent to client - browser from server) -
Session ID is saved in Cookie
cookie is a text file saved in your local storage in the browser
it is in the form of key-value pair
The cookie is sent to server for every subsequent requests made by the client. This is called STATEFUL protocol between front-end client (browser) and back-end server
STATEFUL protocol - saves everything in the back-end
STATELESS protocol - saves everything in the front-end client
Authentication state handled on the server
Has security issues. Easy for attackers to point to your account
User Authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
Server generates
(sent to client) -
Stored in the local storage in the browser
On subsequent requests, the JWT is placed along with authorization header prefixed by the bearer of the token
Server needs to validate the JWT signature
JWT handled on the client side
allows you to decode, verify and generate JWT
password hashing method used : hs256
JWT has 3 sections :
Header (has algorithm and type of token)
Payload (has actual data)
Verify Signature (signature along with secret key)
Approaches to get a secure secret key
random() method in os module
import os os.random(12)
uuid4() method in uuid module
import uuid uuid.uuid4().hex
secrets module
import secrets secrets.token_urlsafe(12)
Python libraries to be used
Example of authentication of user via login page
Login Page using Flask and JWT