
This program mimics a client/server model to produce a parallel chat system. No external module was installed for the development of the system. All library used are python standard libraries.

Getting started


  • Clone repository
  • Setup virtualenvironment with virtualenvwrapper

    mkvirtualenv parallel_chat_system
  • Install requirements

    # use dev or production requirments depending on location
    pip install -r > requirements.txt

Running Scripts

  • Start program

  • Ensure terminal is split into to represent two or more active users for parrallel messaging.

The system provides the following features:

  • User signup and login: The system allows a single user to sign up and then login, without which no further operation can be implemented. Multiple clients can be logged into the system but a client logs in a single user
  • User and Password authentication: After signup, the system stores the data and checks for correlation of username and password during login.
  • Mini database created and stored as json: The database adopted is used to store user and message details. It is represented as a json file.
  • Messaging between logged in clients:A client/user logged in has the ability to send messages to other signed up users/clients. The message sent is also displayed to the sender and can be retrieved/view by the recipient.
  • Notification alarm: The system makes use of python’s winsound library to create a beep when a new message or reply is created.
  • Logged messages: The system keeps record of all messages sent or received from a user. This is done with the use of the database represented by json files.
  • User list display: A logged in user has the ability to view all other users that have created an account.
  • Online user list display: A logged in user also has the ability to view all users online
  • Message list display: A logged in user can view all messages sent and received.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Make sure you assign the appropriate changelogs.