
Format a nice table in reST (reStructuredText) from Python

Primary LanguagePython


Format a nice table in reST (reStructuredText) from Python.

Each cell may have multiple lines, separated by a newline. The content of each cell will be rendered as str(cell). At present, pyRestTable only supports tables with content that does not span any cells (no rowspans or columnspans).

term description
Install with conda conda install -c conda-forge pyRestTable
Install with pip pip install pyRestTable
author Pete R. Jemian
email prjemian@gmail.com
copyright 2014-2023, Pete R. Jemian
license Anaconda-Server Badge (see LICENSE.txt)
docs https://prjemian.github.io/pyRestTable
URL https://github.com/prjemian/pyRestTable
TODO https://github.com/prjemian/pyRestTable/issues
citations DOI
platforms platforms
Python versions PyPI
conda Anaconda-Server Badge Anaconda-Server Badge
PyPI PyPI Badge
review Codacy Badge